You are under no obligation, Dear One, to take on/to share in the worries of those around you, of those that you love, of those that you feel connected to – in your home, your community, your nation, and your world.

Doing so is not a sign of respect or support, it is not the mark of a good friend, a good neighbor, or a good citizen.

We will go so far as to say that if your intention is to to be good friend/neighbor/citizen Dear One, then you should NOT take on their worries , you should NOT share in them.  Ever.

In fact, if worry is the only contribution that you feel that you can make to a situation, then you will be doing everyone involved a far greater service by keeping your distance.

Adding more worry will not help to resolve anything, Dear One.  It will not contribute in any way to a solution or bring comfort or relief to any of the parties involved.

If you want to be of service, Dear One, if you want to be supportive, if you want to contribute, be part of the solution, and show that you care, bring something different, bring hope instead.  Bring joy, bring a positive outlook, bring inspiration, bring motivation, bring eggplant parmigiana.

Bring anything that you think will help to shift the energy of the group from a negative point of attraction to a positive one.