On: Evolution

By |2023-06-06T22:03:56-04:00April 9th, 2022|English|

You are not here to evolve into a person that is worthy of love, Dear One.

You are already worthy.

You were born that way.

You are here to evolve into a person that knows it.

And we are here to help.

On: Missing someone

By |2022-04-07T23:52:48-04:00April 7th, 2022|English|

It is OK to miss them, Dear One.  It is simply an indication of a space being open now inside of you where once it was filled.

You can choose to hold that space open and keep it void of something new for as long as you want.  But you should know that holding open an empty space in a universe that is fluid and full will require a great deal of effort – and could result in a great deal of heartbreak.

But in contrast to this – to missing – know that this space will not remain empty for long, if you don’t want it to.  The universe fills spaces.  It is one of the things that it does quite well – with elegance, grace and ease.  It will fill up the space with something wonderful, if you ask it to, if you will allow it to.

It’s OK to miss Dear One.  It’s OK to continue to hold on and remember.  But please don’t choose to spend too much time with you attention on the absence of what was.

When you are ready, choose instead to focus you attention on those thoughts, feeling and memories that bring you joy, that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your heart and to your lips.  And as you allow your energy to shift, allow yourself to start to get excited about what is yet to come –  about what is headed your way – right this very minute.  Because If you are looking forward to it with joy, love and excitement in your heart and a smile on your face – you can be sure that  when it gets here, it is going to be oh so very good.

On: Paying your respects

By |2022-04-07T00:35:35-04:00April 7th, 2022|English|

Do you want to know what you can do to pay your respects to source today, Dear One, to honor spirit, prana, light, energy, God, consciousness, whatever you should choose to call it?

We’ll tell you.

Honor yourself and acknowledge your own divinity, with every choice, with every decision, with every word that you speak and action that you take.

We can think of no greater gesture that you could make.

On: Doing your part

By |2022-04-06T00:19:00-04:00April 6th, 2022|English|

The world has more peace in it, Dear One, when you are peaceful.

It has more compassion when you are compassionate, more love when you are loving, more tolerance when you are tolerant, more hatred when you hate, and more judgment when you judge.

What do you think the world needs more of today?

Are you willing to do your part to make that happen?

On: Them

By |2022-04-05T00:38:38-04:00April 5th, 2022|English|

The only time that what they say, what they think, and what they believe matters, Dear One, is when you decide that it does.

On: Reducing your suffering

By |2022-04-04T00:49:46-04:00April 4th, 2022|English|

If your goal is to extend your suffering, Dear One, to make it worse, add to it, expand upon it, and invite as many people as you possible can to join you in it, then by all means keep talking about it, beating yourself up about it, focusing on it, and judging yourself harshly for whatever it is that you believe that you have done or have had done to you, to bring it about.

But, if what you want is to find relief from it, heal from it, improve upon it, distance yourself from it, change it for the better, move past it, and in every way possible, get over it as quickly as you possibly can, then you’re going to want to stop doing all of those things and choose positive, loving, compassionate, hopeful and forgiving words, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors instead.

On: How to protect yourself in love

By |2022-04-03T00:11:04-04:00April 3rd, 2022|English|

Do you want to know the best way to protect yourself in love, Dear One, to take care of your heart and keep it safe, to strengthen it, guard it, honor and respect it?

We’ll tell you.

Open it, trust it, and use it, as often as you possibly can.

That’s how.

On: Why you can’t quit

By |2022-04-02T00:53:51-04:00April 2nd, 2022|English|

You can’t quit, Dear One.

  • Not because you shouldn’t.
  • Not because you couldn’t
  • Not because it’s a sign of weakness, failure or an admittance of guilt or incompetence if you do

You can’t quit because whatever it is you are trying to get away from by quitting is not going to go away until you deal with it, confront it, face it, handle it, learn from it, address it head on.  It will keep coming back, in one form or another, again and again and again, until you do.

When it comes down to it, quitting really is nothing more than a delay tactic.

It is a defeatist act rooted in frustration, desperation and a belief in powerlessness, and it resolves nothing

But making a conscious decision to walk away, choosing to make a different choice, an empowered choice, now that is an entirely different story altogether.

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