On: Decision making
If you want to feel better about the decisions that you are making in your life, Dear One, we have a suggestion for you; stop asking other people for their opinions of them.
If you want to feel better about the decisions that you are making in your life, Dear One, we have a suggestion for you; stop asking other people for their opinions of them.
You can choose to trust, Dear One, or you can choose to try.
Both will work. Both will serve you. Both will move you in the direction that you want to go.
The biggest difference between the two, Dear One, is the amount of energy that you will have to exert to get there.
The path of least resistance does not lead to sameness, Dear One, it leads to change.
We’ll explain.
The world is constantly changing, all the time. Everything within and around you is always in a state of change. It is either growing or decaying, without exception.
In each and every moment of your life you are changing too, you are different, you are not the same person, in the same environment that you were the moment before, and therefore do not have the same perspective that you had the moment before.
So therefore while you may think that doing nothing will lead to nothing and will result in everything remaining unchanged, it is just not true. The truth, Dear One, is actually that if you do nothing, absolutely nothing but allow life to flow and yourself to flow along with it, no moment, no day, no experience in your life will ever be the same, could ever be the same, as it was the moment before.
Can you see that?
Sameness requires effort. Sameness requires action. Sameness can only happen if you choose to create it, if you choose to do, and be, and say, and think something over and over and over again in an environment of constantly changing conditions.
Can you see that?
The next time that you find yourself feeling angry, frustrated, fearful, anxious or lost, Dear One, when things don’t go according to plan, we want you to ask yourself, which you are more committed to, the experience of the journey or the path?
You are limitless by nature, Dear One.
You create unnecessary limits for yourself with limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts, and limiting behaviors, actions and feelings.
You tell yourself and the world a story of lack, a story of limits, every time you take an action motivated by insecurity, every time you speak badly or negatively about yourself, every time you curtail your actions because you feel afraid or unworthy.
Remove the limitations from your mind, your thoughts, your speech, your beliefs about what’s possible, Dear One and you will remove them from your life.
The only time that what they say, what they think, and what they believe matters, Dear One, is when you decide that it does.
Your world can be dominated by good feelings, Dear One; by pleasure and joy, and contentment, and balance, and love, if only you would allow yourself to believe that to experience these things you don’t first have to pay a high price for them.
There is no posture or practice or mantra or diet or book or teacher or regimen that you must first master in order to be joyful, in order to be happy, or peaceful, or secure, or content, or compassionate, or forgiving, or to live a more conscious life.
The only requirement is that allow yourself to feel good.
And the surest way to do that, Dear One, is to focus your attention on that which makes you happy/feel good, on that which is possible, on that which is right, on that which you desire, on that which makes you smile, laugh, anticipate the best, on that which you are grateful for.
Yoga and meditation and exercise and a healthy diet, and spiritual practice are all ways that can help you to achieve balance in your mental, physical and spiritual life. And that balance will help you to feel good, to stay healthy, to feel strong and be more confident in yourself, in your body, in your ability to handle any situation, in your capacity to trust.
But they are just a means to an end.
The answer that you are looking for today, Dear One is simple – Make choices that make you feel good.
Honor yourself, Dear One.
Until you do, no one else ever will.
Once you come to the realization, Dear One, that feeling good or better, being happy, and experiencing joy through connection with your source, yourself, nature, or those around you, really is the most important thing, then choosing and making decisions about your life day in and day out, really should become a much easier, much less conflicted process for you.
Our wish for you today, Dear One, is that you will allow yourself to break with tradition, to take a break from your norms, from what is comfortable and familiar to you, from your habitual thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and beliefs and venture into the unknown — going where your heart, and opportunity leads you — without fear, without hesitation, without question. And that you be brave, confident, trusting, and gentle on yourself as you do.
You can always choose to turn back if you would like, and return to familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs. You can always choose to revert back to what is known, anytime you would like – if you want to.
So you’ve really got nothing to lose.
Will you do it?