- Pray for it
- Visualize it
- Imagine it
- Feel it
- Look for it
- Enthusiastically anticipate its arrival
All of these are very sound and powerful steps for you to take when you are working on manifesting change in your life, Dear One.
But it is important for you to know that these steps are conditional.
In order for any of these to work with any level of effectiveness, you must first do one very important thing: Make the decision with absolute certainty that you are ready and willing to change – your thoughts, your actions, your behaviors, your relationships, your boundaries, your belief in what’s possible, your belief in yourself and your belief in what you are capable of.
You can’t stay rooted exactly where you are, doing exactly what you have done, thinking exactly what you have thought, feeling exactly what you have felt, and expect to manifest change in your life, regardless of how badly you want it.
Transformation can only occur when you allow it to occur, Dear One.
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