On: It’s all in your head

By |2023-03-11T00:17:40-05:00March 11th, 2023|English|

Your reality is fluid, Dear One. It molds itself quite readily and precisely around the shape of your beliefs.

When we say to you that it is all in your head, we are most definitely not saying to you that it isn’t real.

Quite the contrary actually.

What we are saying in fact is that if it is in your head, Dear One, it will undoubtedly be a part of your reality in the very near future.

Your mind is a powerful creator, so it is important for you to remember that it will always be in your best interest to remain mindful of what you keep in there at all times.

On: The discomfort of change

By |2023-06-06T22:03:55-04:00March 9th, 2023|English|

You are feeling a strong desire for change, Dear One; how you look, how you feel, what you do, how you live, what you have, who you love, who loves you, and so on.

And you are uncomfortable with it. You are unsure of how exactly you want to change, and what exactly you want to change into, and how you are going to make all of this change happen. And you want to make the discomfort stop.

But to relieve the stress, the unease that accompanies not knowing, the frustration that comes with not having, the self-loathing that comes with feeling unworthy or undeserving or unprepared, the answer is not to stop wanting, to stop trying, to stop moving forward in an effort to avoid confronting the distress.

The answer is in fact, to do the exact opposite of that.  The answer is to embrace the change, and embrace the lack of clarity, discomfort, uncertainty, and insecurity that comes with it.

Because stopping, turning back, giving up, or running away is never going to get you to where you want to go.  But moving forward just might.

And the truth is that both directions, forwards and back, hold the potential for discomfort, equally.  It is unavoidable, nearly impossible to escape the feeling all together.

So the question that you really want to be asking, when it comes to dealing with the discomfort of change, Dear One, is not, How can you avoid it or make it stop, but….  Do you want to confront, deal with, and work through the discomfort while you are moving forwards, backwards, or standing still?


On: Being honest

By |2023-03-08T00:03:56-05:00March 8th, 2023|English|

Tell the truth, Dear one. Be honest.

Not because it is the right thing to do.  Not because you think you should.  Not because doing so will bring you closer to the divine.  Not because someone is keeping score.  (We can assure you, they are not.)

We encourage to you tell the truth, Dear One because it feels good to do so – because doing so feels better than not doing so.  We encourage honesty because of the way it makes you feel, because it allows you to live a more open, genuine, authentic life.  Because it allows you to feel brave, worthy, honorable and at ease with yourself.

We want you to tell the truth, Dear One not because it serves us or the greater good or your fellow man for you to do so, but simply because it serves you to do so.

On: Running its course

By |2023-03-06T23:13:36-05:00March 6th, 2023|English|

When your behaviors are no longer serving you, Dear One, when they stop yielding the desired results, when your actions are no longer in alignment with your thoughts, feelings,
and desires – don’t start doubting yourself, your choices, your abilities, or your judgment. Don’t get angry, frustrated, or hopeless.  Don’t start looking for something or someone to blame.

Instead, try remembering that life is constantly changing, and so are you.

If the beliefs, routines, rituals, patterns and behaviors that brought you comfort, security, health, relief and joy yesterday, do not do so today – it may simply be time to change them.

On: Just the way you are

By |2023-03-05T22:44:43-05:00March 5th, 2023|English|

Just because there is more for you to learn, Dear One, more for you to figure out, to do, try, experience, heal, and become, does not mean that you are lacking, broken, deficient or less than in any way, shape, or form.

Through our eyes, you are and always will be glorious, divine, beautiful, creative, and loved, an absolutely essential part of the whole, just the way you are, right now.

On: Ways to travel

By |2023-06-06T22:03:55-04:00March 3rd, 2023|English|

Live unconsciously, Dear One, and life will shove you right along.

But live consciously – open, aware, alert, fully awake and with intention – and you will find yourself on one hell of a ride, participating in the creation of your world, having the adventure of a lifetime.

On: Taking some time off

By |2023-03-03T01:29:48-05:00March 3rd, 2023|English|

If your body is telling you that it needs some time off, Dear One, take it.

Trust us when we tell you that you will be so much better off choosing to do so now while the choice is still yours to make.

On: Thinking before you speak

By |2023-03-01T23:46:02-05:00March 1st, 2023|English|

What is it that you are going to choose to talk about today, Dear One?

  • The things that you love or the things that you hate?
  • The things that you have or the things that you don’t?
  • The things that make you feel strong or the things that make you feel weak?
  • The parts of you that are hurting or the parts that are healing?
  • The things that are wrong with the world, or the things you can do to make it better?

The story that you tell is the story that you create.

So, think first and decide before you speak, Dear One, what it is that you want to create for yourself today.

On: Your to-do list

By |2023-03-01T00:29:46-05:00March 1st, 2023|English|

Creating the plan, doing the work, maintaining the relationships, finding what’s missing, fixing what’s broken, cleaning up the mess, etc.   If you view all of these things as nothing more than tasks that need to be completed on your to-do list, Dear One, then that is all they can or ever will be to you – things you need to get out of the way.

But the truth is that they can be so much more than that.

These are the events of your life.  These are your experiences.  You are truly missing out on something potentially wonderful if you are just enduring or getting through them.

To you today we say don’t waste one more second of your life simply getting through something, Dear One.  Instead, choose to get engaged, choose to get involved, choose to actively and consciously participate in the process of creation/creativity with whatever it is you are doing.

No task – no matter how small or seemingly trivial or taxing or time consuming is without a creative possibility.  You simply need to find it, engage with it, open yourself up to it and to the inspiration that exists to help you complete it.  It is there.  We promise you that.

With every task that you take on, look, listen, open yourself up the creative possibility that exists in the process of completing it.

Remember, that the completion of every task that you take on is an act of creation/creativity, and every act of creation/creativity is a sacred act.

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