Everyone is looking for/striving for/seeking beauty, Dear One – Every single one of you, without exception

The only problem is that more often than not, so many of you find yourself coming up short, frustrated with your search, not finding what you are looking for – left with the impression that beauty is rare or elusive.  Why?  Because many of you have no idea what beauty really is – so you look in all the wrong places, chase down all the wrong things trying to find it or create it.

Beauty is a feeling, an emotion, an energy.  It is the essence of who you are.  It is a state of openness, a state of trust and allowing, acceptance of the universe, of what is.  It is not flat abs and a shiny full head of hair.  It is not pouty lips, smooth tight skin or perfectly manicured nails .  Those things are all nothing more than limited physical attributes of the body.  True beauty is limitless.

To say that beauty is measured by how one looks – is like saying that intelligence is measured by how one smells.

Your eyes are not the determinant of beauty, Dear One, your heart is.

True beauty is not about how you look – it is about how you see.

Choose to see beauty in everything around you, Dear One and  you will.  It is there. It is built into everything.   As soon as you start looking for it, with your heart, you will find it and be in awe of its abundance.

May we suggest that you start with you.