What should be doing with your life?
What are you meant to be doing with your life?

That, Dear One, is a decision, a choice that can and should only be made in the moment, for the moment.

Not having a definitive answer to this very big question is not actually the problem you are struggling with.  Trying to make a decision about what you want to do, or be, or have for all of the rest of your days is.  Trying to decide it all, SO much ahead of time is the problem.

Decide/choose what you want IN EACH MOMENT, Dear One.

  • Choose from what is in front of you.
  • Choose what makes you feel strong.
  • Choose what makes you feel connected.
  • Choose what makes you feel empowered.
  • Choose what makes you feel aligned.

Do this, Dear One, over, and over and over again, and you will be living exactly the life that is meant for you.
