On: Getting someplace new

By |2024-04-19T22:57:11-04:00April 19th, 2024|English|

The only way to experience change, Dear One, to get somewhere you have never been before, is to choose to do something you have never done before, to say something  you have never said before, to try something you have never tried before, to walk a path you have never walked before, to trust, have faith, be brave, leap.

We know that you know this already.

But we thought that you could use the reminder.

If you want something to be different today, Dear One, do something differently.

On: The greater good

By |2024-04-18T23:38:53-04:00April 18th, 2024|English|

Do you want to serve the greater good today, Dear One?

Do you want your thoughts, words, actions and deeds to serve the best interests of yourself and those around you?

Then do what makes you happy.

Make choices that make you feel better, that make you feel more open, grounded and connected to your source in each moment, and you will be doing exactly that.

On: Quitting with clarity

By |2024-04-17T23:39:00-04:00April 17th, 2024|English|

Whenever you get the desire to quit, Dear One, to throw in the towel, and give up before the end, ask yourself why it is that you want to do so, before you take any action.

  • Is it because quitting will release you from a commitment that no longer serves you? Because it will bring you greater pleasure, joy, freedom, and opportunity to pursue something else that you believe will serve you?
  • Is it because quitting will release you from having to do the hard work required to complete a difficult task?  Because it will prevent you from confronting your fears, from facing uncomfortable feelings, from the discomfort of growth and moving beyond that which is familiar to you, that which feels safe, into a place that could lead you to who knows where?

Quit or don’t quit, Dear One. That is your choice.

But whatever you decide, we just want to make sure that you are fully aware of your reasons for doing so, before you make it happen.

On: A thought

By |2024-04-17T00:59:16-04:00April 17th, 2024|English|

What thought do you think would bring you the greatest amount of joy, the greatest amount of pleasure, to think right now, Dear One?

Are you thinking it?


On: Who is to blame?

By |2024-04-15T23:28:51-04:00April 15th, 2024|English|

  • Who said that it was too hard, Dear One?
  • Who said that you couldn’t do it?
  • Who said that you were not worth the effort?
  • Who said that your way was the wrong way?
  • Who said that you didn’t know better?
  • Who said that your opinion didn’t matter?
  • Who said don’t even bother trying?

And who chose to believe that they were right?

On: Being pushed

By |2024-04-14T23:33:28-04:00April 14th, 2024|English|

Leaping and being pushed are two completely different experiences, Dear One.

A friend that encourages you to leap is a good friend indeed.

A friend that pushes you over the edge, with or without your consent, is no friend at all.

When exiting a comfort zone, Dear One, you should always do so by choice, of your own free will.

Leaping and being pushed do not both land you in the same spot.

Remember that.

On: Toughing it out

By |2024-04-14T00:03:25-04:00April 14th, 2024|English|

Toughing it out, pushing through, trying harder, sacrificing more, working smarter, powering on, or fighting the good fight will never be a more efficient or effective approach for helping you to get there, for helping you to achieve your goals, Dear One, as doing something that makes you happy will.

On: Claiming your freedom

By |2024-04-13T00:24:19-04:00April 13th, 2024|English|

Freedom comes to you, belongs to you, is yours, Dear One, when you take ownership of it.

  • Own your choices
  • Own your time
  • Own your fears even

Whatever it is you are feeling today, once and for all, claim it as your own. Not as something someone gave to you. Not as something someone forced up on you. Not as something you inherited. And definitely not as something you were tricked into picking up.

Own it, Dear One. Totally and completely as your own.

Because if you are feeling it, it already exists within you, it’s already a part of you, it’s already yours.   And THAT ownership, Dear One, is not debatable.

And once you own it, accept it, claim it as your own, acknowledge that it belongs to you, then, and only then will you have the power to decide what to do with it, will you be able to decide what will become of it, will you be free to do with it as you please.

And not a moment before.


On: Putting it into context

By |2024-04-11T23:08:34-04:00April 11th, 2024|English|

Attitudes, Dear One, are what put any event, situation, or circumstance into context.

It is not the event, the circumstance, or the situation itself so much that is the primary determiner of your reaction to it, as much as it is the attitude that you hold towards it, the disposition that you are wearing when the situation arises.

We are telling you this, Dear One, not so that you will blame yourself for bad feelings that may arise when “something” terrible, troubling, or undesirable happens.  But simply to make you aware, and not so quick to blame the “event” itself entirely for how you are feeling, or put a great deal of effort into trying to change the “event”, the or external circumstances that created it, in order to help yourself feel differently or better about it.

Examining the attitudes that you have about it, and the lens through which you are viewing it, is where the real power for change lays, and will have a much greater impact on helping you to navigate your way through your feelings about it, or the feelings that come up for you as a result of it.



On: Which would you prefer?

By |2024-04-11T00:07:33-04:00April 11th, 2024|English|

Which would you prefer?

  • To live in an abundant universe filled with unlimited resources, or one filled with shortages and lack?
  • To have an unlimited number of choices available to you in every situation, or only one?
  • To live in a reality that is fluid, forgiving, changeable, and influenced by all those who live in it, or one that is linear, solid and unforgiving, that you are powerless to change?

Choose your answers wisely Dear One, because once you do, you are going to have to live with them, you are going to have to live in the reality that they create as a result.

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