You are feeling a strong desire for change, Dear One; how you look, how you feel, what you do, how you live, what you have, who you love, who loves you, and so on.

And you are uncomfortable with it. You are unsure of how exactly you want to change, and what exactly you want to change into, and how you are going to make all of this change happen. And you want to make the discomfort stop.

But to relieve the stress, the unease that accompanies not knowing, the frustration that comes with not having, the self-loathing that comes with feeling unworthy or undeserving or unprepared, the answer is not to stop wanting, to stop trying, to stop moving forward in an effort to avoid confronting the distress.

The answer is in fact, to do the exact opposite of that.  The answer is to embrace the change, and embrace the lack of clarity, discomfort, uncertainty, and insecurity that comes with it.

Because stopping, turning back, giving up, or running away is never going to get you to where you want to go.  But moving forward just might.

And the truth is that both directions, forwards and back, hold the potential for discomfort, equally.  It is unavoidable, nearly impossible to escape the feeling all together.

So the question that you really want to be asking, when it comes to dealing with the discomfort of change, Dear One, is not, How can you avoid it or make it stop, but….  Do you want to confront, deal with, and work through the discomfort while you are moving forwards, backwards, or standing still?
