ON A PERSONAL NOTE:  For you, my friend. ♥️

The point of seeking out a loving relationship is not to find someone who will love you so that you can have love in your life, so that you can have an experience of being loved. You don’t need someone to love you in order to have love in your life. You are already loved, totally, completely, deeply, and eternally.

The point, Dear One, of seeking out a loving relationship is that it can teach you how to open yourself up to love, to let more love in, to let more love flow to you and through you. The right relationship will inspire you to open yourself up and allow you to experience more of the love that is already available to you.

Pay attention, Dear One, to how they make you feel, to what feelings they inspire within you.

If being in their company inspires you to feel good, if it inspires confidence, bravery, curiosity, kindness, and love, then do so as much as you possibly can.

But, if being in their company, if spending time with them inspires you to feel badly about yourself, inspires you to feel suspicion, insecurity, uncertainty, inequality, and doubt, then regardless of how much love they say they have for you, what’s the point, if being with them does not allow you to feel it?