What is your intuition telling you right this minute, Dear One? Can you hear it?

It is speaking to you all the time. Offering you guidance. Telling you what you need to know, about yourself, your choices, your health, your relationships, your work, your finances, everything. Guiding you towards that which you want most for yourself. That which is for your greatest good, without the limiting influences of fear.

And yet, more often than not you choose to ignore it.

Why  do you think that is?
Why, for even one moment, do you think you would choose to disregard or ignore this very clear, precise and always accurate internal guidance system?

We believe there are 2 reasons:

1- You have ignored it for so long that you hardly even recognize it or hear it with any clarity any more.
2- Acting on your intuition requires courage. The courage to trust in yourself.

There is only one way to get past these hurdles, Dear One.

Be Brave.  Start Listening.  Trust Yourself.

So… what is your intuition telling you to do now?