Know that nothing about you needs to change for you to be loved, Dear One.   You are already loved, totally, completely and eternally – just as you are.

You may think that a partner is necessary to make feeling the experience of love possible.  And experiencing love with a partner is one way to experience it, but it is not the only way.  And we are not talking about sex, although that is a part of it.  It is not a partner that makes love possible.  It is not a partner that is creating the love, Dear One.

Love already exists – ready for you to experience anytime that you choose.

With a partner is just the way that you have learned to open yourself up to the experience of love in your physical reality.  But if you choose to, you can experience the love that is already yours without one as well.


By simply choosing to believe our words:

You are already loved, Dear One, totally, completely and eternally – just as you are.