Freedom will not come by shedding your limitations, Dear One. It will come by fully embracing them.
Those things that you see as your limits, that you believe are responsible for holding you back, are actually the keys to your gifts, are the springboard that will catapult you to that place that only you are meant to reach.
But it is only when you are able to accept them as such, that their full potential will become visible to you.
Not because that potential is invisible now, Dear One. But because you must first accept/achieve a different mindset, a different perspective before you will be able to see it, before you will be able to accept that what we are telling you is true.
Where you are now, Dear One, the place you find yourself now “stuck” in, is not your punishment, but your gift.
Accept it, embrace it, and it will change you.
Let it change you.
And go wherever it leads.
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