The trouble, Dear One is that you think that you live in a world of absolutes. And you don’t. The world does not work that way. There are no absolutes in life – except one.

The one thing that you can always absolutely rely on is the fact that you will always have a choice. Always, always, always do you have options, in every single situation. Every one – without fail.

Whenever you feel frustrated, helpless, trapped or as if you are moving in the wrong direction – stop and remind yourself that there are choices available to you in that moment. If the thoughts that you are thinking are not bringing you joy – choose different ones. If the company that you are keeping is not pleasurable for you – change it. If you have set standards for yourself that you consistently find yourself falling short of, and feeling badly about, change them.

It can be that simple, Dear One, if you choose to allow it to be.