On: What you are up against

By |2024-10-15T00:38:12-04:00October 15th, 2024|English|

What we know, Dear One, that you might not, is that the only force in the universe that is capable of preventing you from doing, being, having, accomplishing, creating, or completing anything that you want, is you.

On: Dependencies for happiness

By |2024-10-14T00:05:37-04:00October 14th, 2024|English|

Which statement do you think best reflects your beliefs about happiness, Dear One?

  • My happiness is dependent on a certain person or people doing certain things, at certain times, in certain ways, with a certain attitude.
  • My happiness is dependent on certain events, circumstances, objects or opportunities being available to me when I want or need them to be.
  • My happiness is totally and completely dependent on me, and on my certainty, above all else.

We just thought this was something that you might want to know about yourself.

On: A sacred pledge

By |2024-10-12T22:56:23-04:00October 12th, 2024|English|

Make a sacred pledge to yourself, Dear One, right here and now, to love yourself, no matter what.

  • No matter what you said. No matter what you thought. No matter what you did (or didn’t do).
  • No matter what they said. No matter what they thought. No matter what they did (or didn’t do).

Decide right now, to love yourself anyway.

Because to decide otherwise, Dear One, is to decide to cut yourself off from your source, just when you need that connection the most.

Because to decide otherwise, is to decide to reject the most powerful tool you’ve got at your disposal for turning things around.

On: You, alone

By |2024-10-11T22:52:59-04:00October 11th, 2024|English|

You are not in this alone, Dear One.

But you, alone, are the only one who can change things.

If you want things to be different, if you want a different life, different circumstances, different relationships, you’re going to have to start choosing differently.

You, and you alone, are the only one who can make that happen.

On: Speaking your truth

By |2024-10-11T00:43:36-04:00October 11th, 2024|English|

Why are we always encouraging you to speak your truth, Dear One?

Because regardless of whatever else happens when you do, regardless of the immediate and obvious outcome, the end result will always be an improved, an expanded state of consciousness for all those involved.

And one of the primary reasons that you have come forth into this life is to expand your knowing, is to expand your level of consciousness.

So know this Dear One, with absolute certainty, that when you speak up, that when you are brave enough to speak your truth, that you and those around you will always be better off because of it.


We just wanted to add that speaking your truth and telling the truth are not necessarily the same thing.

On: Them or Me

By |2024-10-10T00:51:42-04:00October 10th, 2024|English|

How do you decide, Dear One?

To begin with, you start by first recognizing that this is not actually the right question to be asking.

Those are not actually the two options that you are choosing between when you are struggling to figure out which is more important in the moment; taking care of their needs, or taking care of your own.

It is not actually a choice between Them or Me that you are trying to make.

It is a choice between Me or Not Me.

And if you want to know which is the right choice, which choice will always serve THE greatest good, which choice will always serve YOUR greatest good, (which are both always one and the same) we will tell you.

It will always be to choose ME.

Because choosing Not Me can never serve the whole in any positive way.

Making this choice has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with being selfish.


On: Getting home again

By |2024-10-08T22:30:40-04:00October 8th, 2024|English|

Remember, Dear One, regardless of how scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control you feel, that your center, your home,  is only one slow, deep breath away.

And we are there.


On: An infusion

By |2024-10-07T01:17:04-04:00October 7th, 2024|English|

Bring ease to all that you do today, Dear One.
– to all that you say
– to all that you write.
– to all that you feel, think, embrace, contemplate, and create

Bring ease to it all. Breathe ease into it all.
– to your work
– to your relationships
– to your care of yourself

Bring ease instead of fear, anger, doubt, uncertainty, frustration, or anything else that may arise as you move through your day that you don’t want more of infused into your life.

Bring ease to it all, Dear One.

And then watch as see what happens.
Watch and see how it transforms.



On: Your significance

By |2024-10-05T23:49:30-04:00October 5th, 2024|English|

Until you come to see and truly grasp the immeasurable value of your own significance, Dear One, all of your ideas, actions, and words are going to feel insignificant to you, are going to feel as if they are not enough, are going to leave you feeling as if you are not enough, or are coming up short.

BUT, as soon as you come to see and understand fully the value, the significance, the treasure that is you, THEN, and only then, will you be able to see the great value and significance in everysinglething that you do.

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