On: Achieving mastery

By |2024-12-12T00:47:32-05:00December 12th, 2024|English|

Mastery is not about perfection, Dear One, or doing, being or creating something that is the best or better than anyone else.

To achieve mastery is to achieve a state of being fully present, of being fully aware of what is happening around you and within you, and what is available to you in each and every unique moment of your life, acknowledging it, taking it in, allowing it to inspire, inform, motivate, shape, and influence your thoughts, actions and beliefs from moment to moment.

Masters are not superior beings, Dear One, they are not better people than everyone else.  They are simply more practiced at living in the now and taking advantage of all of the gifts that are available to them in the present moment.

They don’t try to create exceptional, superior, or richer work, but being fully present, they have  a deeper, richer, more connected productive and fruitful experience of each moment, and that experience gets expressed, gets translated into all that they do.

If you want to achieve mastery, Dear One, don’t try to be better at what you do, try to be more present while you are doing it, and you will be on  your way.

On: Stopping it

By |2024-12-11T01:10:26-05:00December 11th, 2024|English|

It’ll stop, Dear One, when you stop it.

And you’ll stop it when you shift.

And you’ll shift when you align.

And you’ll align when you allow.



On: Right this very minute

By |2024-12-09T21:41:32-05:00December 9th, 2024|English|

  • Whether you know it or not…
  • Whether you believe it or not…
  • Whether you acknowledge it or not…
  • Whether you choose to consciously participate in the process or not…

You are still the creator of your world, Dear One.

You are still the most powerful force influencing your reality.

You are still the one responsible for determining all that you are, all that you have, and all that you are capable of.

In fact, you are doing it right now.  The thoughts that you are thinking, your actions, your words, your beliefs, and your attitude are creating your reality right this very minute.

On: Staying safe

By |2024-12-09T00:31:53-05:00December 9th, 2024|English|

We can understand your desire to want to protect yourself, Dear One, to want to keep yourself safe from harm, to want to do all that you can to avoid injuring yourself, both physically and emotionally, and to want to keep others from doing the same.  And you should know that we want that for you too.

You should also know that nothing makes you more vulnerable then cutting yourself off from your source, than shutting down your heart, ignoring your intuition, and holding yourself back because you are afraid.

The more you trust, Dear One, the more you open up, the more you allow yourself to love, connect, and move forward with an open heart, the safer you will be.

On: Your most valuable contribution

By |2024-12-08T00:30:21-05:00December 8th, 2024|English|

You are not falling short, you are not failing them, you are not failing anyone, Dear One, when you choose to love you, to respect you, to honor yourself and the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, above all else.

In fact, when you prioritize yourself, you are doing the exact opposite.

When you choose you, Dear One, you are gaining more of, creating more of, strengthening and expanding the most important thing, the most truly valuable contribution that you will and could ever  make to this world, which is more of you!


On: Making an impact

By |2024-12-06T23:58:58-05:00December 6th, 2024|English|

Everything that you do (or don’t do), everything that you think, feel, say, choose, create, or destroy, makes an impact, Dear One — on you, on your body, on every single cell in it, on your environment, on the people around you, on their attitudes, actions, behaviors, and beliefs, on everything.

It can’t be helped. It’s just the way it is. You live in a vibrational universe.

We are telling you this today, Dear One, so that you know that when you get up each morning and start your day, that you don’t have to decide, that you don’t have to make a conscious decision about whether or not you are going to try and make an impact on the world around you.

Because you will, not matter what.

When it comes to making an impact, Dear One, the only real question that you have to ask yourself is “What kind of impact do I want to make today?”.


On: Telling it like it is

By |2024-12-04T23:47:15-05:00December 4th, 2024|English|

The universe has no ego, Dear One, unlike you.

It has no emotional, social, or financial agenda for your life either, unlike you.

The universe just tells it like it is.

You live your life, you make choices, you feel, you create, you vibrate, you send your energy out into the world, and the universe reflects it back to you.

And it does so objectively, with no judgments, no distortions, no illusions, and no pre-set expectations.

The best way to definitively know how you are flowing your energy, Dear One, is not by being conscious of the way that you feel while you are flowing it, while you are putting it out there (although that is important) – it is by being conscious of what you see, what you get, and the way that you feel when the universe reflects it back to you.

On: Daily Stretching

By |2024-12-03T23:32:37-05:00December 3rd, 2024|English|

You did not come forth into the cutting edge of reality, Dear One, onto the cutting edge of thought, creation, of all that is to stand still. Did you?

You did not come into being at this time, in this place, to stay put, to play it safe, to experience as little growth, movement, change and expansion as you possibly could. Right?

Just something for you to keep in mind while you are making up your mind about what it is you are going to do with your day.

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