On: Achieving mastery
Mastery is not about perfection, Dear One, or doing, being or creating something that is the best or better than anyone else.
To achieve mastery is to achieve a state of being fully present, of being fully aware of what is happening around you and within you, and what is available to you in each and every unique moment of your life, acknowledging it, taking it in, allowing it to inspire, inform, motivate, shape, and influence your thoughts, actions and beliefs from moment to moment.
Masters are not superior beings, Dear One, they are not better people than everyone else. They are simply more practiced at living in the now and taking advantage of all of the gifts that are available to them in the present moment.
They don’t try to create exceptional, superior, or richer work, but being fully present, they have a deeper, richer, more connected productive and fruitful experience of each moment, and that experience gets expressed, gets translated into all that they do.
If you want to achieve mastery, Dear One, don’t try to be better at what you do, try to be more present while you are doing it, and you will be on your way.