On: Allowing transformation

By |2024-08-10T00:00:36-04:00August 10th, 2024|English|

You are not messing up, Dear One, you are letting go.

Although we can understand how you could get the two confused when you are increasingly finding yourself in unfamiliar situations, having unfamiliar experiences, with unfamiliar people, and unfamiliar emotions.

Our wish for you is that as you allow yourself to venture into the unknown that you will be brave, that you will be trusting, that you will be gentle on yourself, and that you will allow transformation to occur.

You can always choose to turn back, and resume familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs if that is what you would like.

But you already know where that path will lead you.

Before you make that choice we would like you to ask yourself, is back really where you want to go?

On: It’s not your choice

By |2024-08-09T00:28:57-04:00August 9th, 2024|English|

Please don’t waste any more of your time, Dear One, trying to make the right impression, trying to fit in, trying to be accepted, trying to make them see, like, or love you.

Because no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you plan, no matter how much effort you put into it, no matter how careful you are, you are never going to be able to control what they think of you.

That is not your choice to make.  It is theirs and theirs alone.

On: The path of least resistance

By |2024-08-07T23:45:52-04:00August 7th, 2024|English|

The path of least resistance does not lead to sameness, Dear One, it leads to change.


We’ll explain.

The world is constantly changing, all the time.  Everything within and around you is always in a state of change.  It is either growing or decaying, without exception.

In each and every moment of your life you are changing too, you are different, you are not the same person, in the same environment that you were the moment before, and therefore do not have the same perspective that you had the moment before.

So therefore while you may think that doing nothing will lead to nothing and will result in everything remaining unchanged, it is just not true.  The truth, Dear One, is actually that if you do nothing, absolutely nothing but allow life to flow and yourself to flow along with it, no moment, no day, no experience in your life will ever be the same, could ever be the same, as it was the moment before.

Can you see that?

Sameness requires effort. Sameness requires action. Sameness can only happen if you choose to create it, if you choose to do, and be, and say, and think something over and over and over again in an environment of constantly changing conditions.

Can you see that?

On: Being alone

By |2024-08-03T22:48:21-04:00August 3rd, 2024|English|

You’ll never really know what it’s like to be totally and completely alone, Dear One.

None of us will – ever. Not you and not we.

We are all connected. We are all one and the same — physical and spirit.  We simply exist on different planes of reality from one another.  And quite clearly even that can not keep us apart.

  • You can choose to tell yourself a story of isolation and disconnection if you would like
  • Or you can choose to feel the connection that you have with all things at all times

That decision is entirely yours.

But of all things that you think you have to be fearful of  in this life, Dear One, being alone should not be one of them – because the truth is, it’s just not possible.

On: Bracing for the storm

By |2024-08-03T00:22:35-04:00August 3rd, 2024|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm, Dear One, or fear it, run from it or hide from it.

There is another option you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you can handle it, whatever it may be.

Truth is, your opinion of it, your feelings about it, your actions towards it, your awareness of it, are all feeding it, are all adding to it, are all attaching you to it.

If you are giving your attention to it, you are making a contribution to it.  So we would like for you to choose with great intention what you would like that contribution to be.

You can speed it up or slow it down,  you make can make it stronger and more fierce or kinder and gentler, or you can add levity, compassion, calm and peacefulness, or you can add anger, fear, confusion, and angst.  You can even turn it around, or stop it all together.

And before you ask, yes, you are that powerful.

On: Being a good friend

By |2024-08-02T01:53:14-04:00August 2nd, 2024|English|

Being a good friend, Dear One, does not require you to lay down, and fill the gaps, so they can tread across you to get to where they think they need to go.

Being a good friend is showing up as the best version of yourself to give them something meaningful, powerful, authentic, honorable, and loving to connect with.



On: Finding people who “get” you

By |2024-07-31T23:20:14-04:00July 31st, 2024|English|

Do you want to know how to find someone who “gets you”, Dear One?
Do you want to know what you need to do to surround yourself with more people who really “get” who you are?

We’ll tell you.

Don’t go in search of them. Don’t exert a great amount of time, energy and effort seeking them out.  There is no need.

Just be yourself.  Reveal more of yourself, of who you really are to the world around you and all of the people in it, in everything that you do, as often as you possibly can, and they will find you!

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