On: People pleasing

By |2024-07-31T00:39:58-04:00July 31st, 2024|English|

Its time to start enjoying yourself/enjoying life more, Dear One, and stop putting so much effort into trying to please those around you, especially at the expense of your own happiness.

Do things that bring you joy, that make you smile, that make you happy, and you will be in a far greater position to please those around you then you would be when you sacrifice your own well being for theirs.

If you are not happy yourself, Dear One, what could you possibly have to offer anyone else that would be of any real value to them anyway?

On: Jumping hurdles

By |2024-07-30T00:42:39-04:00July 30th, 2024|English|

The energy, action, and effort required to jump a hurdle, cross a barrier, or break down a wall, Dear One, is not the same energy, action, and effort required once you are on the other side of it.

Once you make it over, across, or through, remember to stop jumping, pushing, and swinging for a little while, and enjoy the place where you now find yourself.

Once you are on the other side, it is time for you to relax, allow, and go the flow of the new space you have just crossed into.

It is of absolutely no benefit to you, Dear One, to keep jumping once you are in the clear.

On: There’s always something you can do about it

By |2024-07-28T22:48:23-04:00July 28th, 2024|English|

You can never undo that which has been done, Dear One.

It’s impossible.

So please don’t waste your precious time and energy trying.

Once you have had an experience, for better or for worse, it is yours forever.

And regardless of how deeply you wish it could be so, no amount of regret, guilt, remorse, anger, self-pity, self-loathing, sadness, or hatred is ever going to change that.

But know this, that you are never without options, that there is always something that you can do.

It is always within your power, Dear One, to change the way that you feel about it, to change what it means to you, to change its significance in your life.

And changing that, changes everything.

On: Responding to tragedy – Not a time for logic

By |2024-07-28T01:12:04-04:00July 28th, 2024|English|

No amount of logical thinking or logical action can turn around that which you are feeling, Dear One, so don’t waste your time trying.  Logic, has very little to do with what is, with what has happened, with how you are feeling.

Your emotional response is exactly as you would expect it to be considering all that has happened.

Logic can be a very useful tool for narrowing down choices or dictating limitations.  But now is not the time for limitations or for limited thinking. Now is not the time for you to be practicing your logic.

Now is the time for you to be practicing something larger, something that will serve you, that will serve all of you, without limitations.  Now is the time for you to be practicing faith, compassion,  patience, acceptance of what is, generosity of spirit, forgiveness, tolerance, and giving and receiving love.

Today, Dear One, is not a day for logic.

On: Your valuables

By |2024-07-26T23:59:29-04:00July 26th, 2024|English|

Your victories are YOUR victories, Dear One.
Celebrate them, each and every one, no matter how big or small.

Don’t compare them to someone else’s first; before you decide if they are worthy of celebration.

Especially not to those who don’t share your values; to those who may not find valuable those things that YOUR heart values most.



On: Getting back on track

By |2024-07-25T23:35:18-04:00July 25th, 2024|English|

You are not lost, damaged or irreparably broken, Dear One.  You have not traveled so far off course that you need to be concerned that you will not be able to find your way back.

We want to assure you that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you – you are not out of order – you do not need to be “fixed”.  (Although we can understand why it is that you might be feeling that way)

When you stop prioritizing those things in your life that bring you the greatest amount of joy, healing, comfort, support, relief, satisfaction or pleasure – it should be of no surprise that you are left not feeling your best.

But you don’t need to worry about it.  You simply need to decide to start choosing differently!

And once you do, we think you will be pleasantly surprised to discover just how quickly things can snap right back into place.

On: Choosing when you are unsure

By |2024-07-23T23:43:29-04:00July 23rd, 2024|English|

When you are unsure, Dear One, about the decision you are about to make, take a minute and ask yourself this question:

  • Will this choice, will this action, will engaging in this relationship, will moving forward in this direction, will investing my energy here, serve my greatest good?

Don’t think about your answer, listen for it, and then you’ll know!

On: Something worse than fear

By |2024-07-23T00:47:54-04:00July 23rd, 2024|English|

There are few things in this world that are worse for you, Dear One, that hold more potential for disaster, than moving forward in fear, than doing something that you truly don’t believe that you are capable of doing, than doing something that you are afraid to do, that you don’t want to do, that you believe is going to harm you.

And accepting your fears as reality, allowing them to define you, to restrict you, to tie you up and chain you down to one place, to one mindset, to one set of limiting beliefs, for the rest of your life, is one of them.

On: Saying goodbye

By |2024-07-22T01:57:29-04:00July 22nd, 2024|English|

What can you do for someone who is leaving you, Dear One, for someone who is in the process of leaving your physical world and transitioning to spirit?

You can do the only thing for them that you can ever do for anyone else in your life, regardless of what stage of living or dying they are in.

You can love them.

Loving them is not pitying them. And loving them is not fearing for them.  And loving them it is not fixing them, healing them, or deceiving them either.

The very best thing that we can tell you to do for your love today, Dear One, for all of your friends and loved ones for that matter is this – just keep right on loving them.

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