On: Discipline

By |2024-07-21T00:11:14-04:00July 21st, 2024|English|

Discipline is a mindset, Dear One, an attitude, an approach, a guide, a commitment.

It is not a contract, a commandment, an order, a doctrine, or a law that must be followed.

Discipline is flexible, malleable, adaptable, and strong.

It is not hard, rigid, tough, and unforgiving.

Discipline is the boat on the water Dear One, not the rope tethering you to the dock.

It is the compass pointing your way, not the points plotted out on a map

It is the sail, and not the anchor.

Practicing discipline should strengthen you, empower you, guide you, help you to feel stronger, freer, more connected and in-synch with the world around you. Not frustrate you, weaken you, and leave you feeling depleted and restricted.

If what you are practicing is not not serving you in all of these positive ways Dear One, there is a very good chance that what you are practicing is not discipline at all, but that you are just being hard on yourself, and that is not the same thing.

On: Your springboard

By |2024-07-20T01:12:33-04:00July 20th, 2024|English|

Freedom will not come by shedding your limitations, Dear One. It will come by fully embracing them.

Those things that you see as your limits, that you believe are responsible for holding you back, are actually the keys to your gifts, are the springboard that will catapult you to that place that only you are meant to reach.

But it is only when you are able to accept them as such, that their full potential will become visible to you.

Not because that potential is invisible now, Dear One. But because you must first accept/achieve a different mindset, a different perspective before you will be able to see it, before you will be able to accept that what we are telling you is true.

Where you are now, Dear One, the place you find yourself now “stuck” in,  is not your punishment, but your gift.

Accept it, embrace it, and it will change you.

Let it change you.

And go wherever it leads.



On: Honor

By |2024-07-19T01:47:54-04:00July 19th, 2024|English|

There is no honor, Dear One, in remaining loyal to that which is hurting you – truly.  Be it a person, an idea, a set of circumstances, a set of beliefs – anything.

We don’t want to see you honoring unhealthy, abusive or painful commitments out of some sense of loyalty, or some sense of community or to maintain a dynamic that is familiar to you.

We want you to know that we will never see honor in remaining in a bad situation – not in the name of spirit/god/divinity – not because of a promise that you made – not because of a goal that you set for yourself – not in the name of love – regardless of how strongly you once believed in it.

NOW is the only time that matters.  NOW is the only moment that really counts. By letting go of unhealthy commitments that are causing you pain, you are freeing up your energy for more worthy pursuits – that will serve not only you, but the greatest good of all.

The universe wants you happy and smiling and content and grateful and joyful and creative.  And anything that stands in the way of you having or being all of these things is something that you can and should let go of.    Honor THAT.  Make THAT the new commitment that you will hold on to –  and remain loyal to –  and never let go of.  And let all of the others fall away.

On: Getting it all done

By |2024-07-18T01:04:49-04:00July 18th, 2024|English|

You want to know how to get it all done, Dear One?

One day, once choice, one moment, one step at a time, just like the rest of us.

After an eternity of searching for a better way to do it, what we’ve discovered, is that there isn’t one.

On: Pains purpose

By |2024-07-16T21:16:14-04:00July 16th, 2024|English|

As hard as it might be to believe, Dear One, pain is not a punishment.  It is a teacher, a guide, a friend to you.  Its purpose in your life is not to hurt you, harm you, discourage you, frighten you, or weaken you. Quite the contrary actually.

Pain, Dear One, is a call for love, is a call for attention, it is a call for healing, growth, and expansion.  Pain is a teacher with a valuable message for you and it is not something to be avoided.  It is something to be acknowledged and embraced.

Run from pain and you will spend an eternity pressed up against an all too familiar wall that you are quite capable of walking around, climbing over, or breaking through.

On: The gift that keeps on giving

By |2024-07-15T22:56:53-04:00July 15th, 2024|English|

Before you take even one more step forward, Dear One, forgive yourself; for whatever it is that you did yesterday that you regret, that you wish you had not done, that you wish you had done better, that you wish you could take back, change, erase or undo.

Forgive yourself – no questions asked, without judgment, without condition, without threat of punishment or fear of condemnation.

Just forgive yourself.

Give yourself this gift today.

You deserve it.

And those around you deserve it too.

All of your thoughts, words, actions, and connections will be all the more powerful, genuine, authentic and meaningful when you are fully present in the here and now, when you are no longer holding yourself hostage in your past.


On: Your relationships

By |2024-07-14T23:53:12-04:00July 14th, 2024|English|

When it comes to your relationships, Dear One, which do you want more?

  • To keep yourself protected
  • To experience deeper, richer, stronger, and more meaningful connections than you have ever had before

It’s not possible for you to do both at once.

You’re going to have to choose.

On: Run don’t walk

By |2024-07-13T23:56:50-04:00July 13th, 2024|English|

Run, don’t walk, towards any preferences that you discover for yourself today, Dear One.
Embrace them fully, enjoy them totally and completely, with full abandon.


Because there is absolutely no reason for you not to.

And because life is meant to enjoyed.

That’s why.



On: A few very important questions

By |2024-07-13T00:53:12-04:00July 13th, 2024|English|

  • Do you like hiking, gardening, and being outdoors?
  • Do you like movies, theatre, and literature?
  • Does your life have value, meaning and significance?
  • Are you smart enough, strong enough, clever enough, and brave enough?
  • Are you special?  Are you worthy? Do you matter?

What do all of these questions have in common, Dear One?

The answers that you give to them are the only answers that matter.

On: Useful answers

By |2024-07-11T23:28:03-04:00July 11th, 2024|English|

Figuring out the answer to this question is not always going to serve you in a useful and positive way, Dear One.

What now?
But figuring out the answer to this question, will always be useful to you.

If what you are in need of is useful answers, remember that the only way that you are ever going to find them, is to start by asking useful questions.

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