On: Why speak your truth?

By |2024-07-11T00:17:05-04:00July 11th, 2024|English|

Why are we always encouraging you to speak your truth, Dear One?

Contrary to popular belief, it is not simply because it is “the right thing to do”.

The real reason that we want you to tell the truth, Dear One, is that consequences of doing so will shift the people, events, circumstances and outcomes around you in such a way so as to lead you to precisely the right spot where you need to be to start living it.

That’s why.

Tell the truth and don’t fear that things will change as result of doing so.

Tell the truth and get excited about the changes that will unfold as a result.

On: Your weakest link

By |2024-07-10T01:26:17-04:00July 10th, 2024|English|

Don’t compartmentalize your life, Dear One. Don’t compartmentalize who you are, or where you think you belong, based on your strengths and weaknesses today.

ALL of you belongs everywhere.

There is no shame in slowing down to accommodate the parts of you that that need more help, that need more nurturing, that need more guidance, that need more attention.  That is where your attention belongs. That is where your attention should be.

You, Dear One, are a whole person.  There is absolutely no benefit to you to choose to sacrifice one part of yourself to support another, to sacrifice a weaker part of yourself to support a stronger part. To press on with your strengths and leave your weaknesses in the dust.

The truth is that it is the reverse of that that will ultimately be to your greatest benefit.
You want to allow the strongest parts of you to protect the weakest. Not the other way around.

Why?  Because those parts of you that are weak now, that are in most need of healing, hold for you the greatest potential for wisdom, for learning, for growth. Hold the greatest potential for adding value to the whole.

You don’t want to banish them in their infancy, Dear One.  You want to nurture them to their full capacity. And then watch, as the tables turn.

Those lessons, those values acquired through learning, through healing, once strengthened, will one day lead the charge by bring up the rear, by healing other parts of you that may fall behind.

In short, take the time to mend the weakest links, Dear One, don’t cut them loose, because in time, doing so, will serve to greatly strengthen and lengthen your chain.



On: The lengths you must travel

By |2024-07-09T00:58:09-04:00July 9th, 2024|English|

Take one step forward at a time, Dear One, joyfully, intentionally, mindfully, feel good about where you are going, and you will be traveling faster towards your desired destination then if you ran full steam ahead towards it motivated by frustration, sadness, anger, fear or insecurity.

Mindful choices guided by good feelings are infinitely more powerful than those guided by loss, lack, obligation, fear or desperation.

It is not the amount of space between where you are and where you want to be that determines the length of your journey, Dear One.

The length of your journey is determined by the distance that you must travel from where you are, to feeling good about where you want to be.


On: Planning your future

By |2024-07-07T23:23:08-04:00July 7th, 2024|English|

There can be no brighter future ahead, Dear One, if you don’t allow more light into your present.

The very best thing that you can do to create a better tomorrow for yourself is to find something to be happy about today.

On: What is evolution?

By |2024-07-06T23:27:18-04:00July 6th, 2024|English|

This is it, Dear One.

This is evolution.

This is what it looks like. This is what it feels like. This is what it sounds, tastes, and smells like. This is the pace that it happens at, and this is how long it takes.

You are not only living it, right now. You are creating it, perpetuating it, determining its course. And you are doing so with every thought that you think, with every action that you take, and with every word that you speak.

You can choose to strengthen/evolve your sense of fear, Dear One, or you can practice, prioritize, and strengthen your ability to trust.   You can choose to evolve your avoidance skills, and get really, really good at that, or you can choose to evolve your creation skills, and follow that path instead. And you should know that individual and group behaviors, skills, innovations, and yes even biology, will all be impacted as a result.

Do you understand, Dear One? Do you see how it is totally and completely up to you?

God, light, prana, spirit, consciousness, whatever you choose to call it, is not determining your path, your progress, the evolution of you soul, of your world, of your physical body, Dear One, you are.

And the only real question that remains, that is left for humanity to answer on the subject is this; Are you personally going to choose to evolve, to contribute to the evolution of your world consciously or unconsciously?

On: Making challenges less challenging

By |2024-07-05T23:17:32-04:00July 5th, 2024|English|

The challenges won’t ever stop coming, Dear One.

– No matter how careful you are.
– No matter how much you plan.
– No matter how how much you pray.
– No matter how badly you want them to.

They just won’t.

But on the other side of every challenge, yes, every-single-one, there is a success, a victory waiting for you.

Allow yourself to remember that sweetness that is in store for you right from the start, and maybe you will begin to experience much less resistance when new challenges arise.

That is our hope for you anyway.

We hope you will try.



On: Anger

By |2024-07-04T23:35:12-04:00July 4th, 2024|English|

If you are angry, Dear One, know this, they are not to blame.

Regardless of anything that they might have said, or done to piss you off or hurt you, they are still not to blame.

No one can make you feel something that does not already exist within you.

They can inspire you to get in touch with your anger, they can serve as an instigator, their actions can draw your anger up to the surface, but nothing that they do can inject anger into your heart.

Isn’t that great news?

Now you know, Dear One, that when you are angry and you are ready to deal with it, that you don’t have go back and deal with them in order to do it.

You only have to deal with yourself.

On: Attracting more love

By |2024-07-02T23:31:12-04:00July 2nd, 2024|English|

Do you want to know how to attract more love into your life, Dear One?

Love yourself more.

That’s how.

Here’s why.

The more you open yourself up to the experience of love, the more love you experience, the more love you will attract into your life.

It doesn’t matter how the gates of love get opened wider, from the outside or the inside.  All that matters is that they are open, wide open, and that they stay that way.

On: How to reclaim your life

By |2024-07-02T00:05:16-04:00July 2nd, 2024|English|

Are you ready to reclaim your life, Dear One?

Do you want to know how to do it?

You do it one conscious decision at a time.

Simple?          Yes.
Easy?              That is for you to decide.

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