On: Taking a break
If your body is telling you that it needs a break, Dear One, take it.
Trust us when we tell you that you will be so much better off choosing to take one now, while the choice is still yours to make.
If your body is telling you that it needs a break, Dear One, take it.
Trust us when we tell you that you will be so much better off choosing to take one now, while the choice is still yours to make.
How do you know if what you are feeling is your intuition telling you beware, proceed with caution, or turn around and run, or if what you feeling is nothing more than your own habitual fears and resistant patterns acting up on you again?
When trying to discern the difference between the two, Dear One, remember this:
Choice is a gift, Dear One.
A gift that you are meant to enjoy, not fret, stress and agonize over.
Today we wanted to remind you of that. Today we wanted to remind you to enjoy your choices, each and every one of them.
Enjoy choice after choice after choice.
And if you make a choice that you don’t enjoy…. choose again!
If you want to know what freedom feels like, Dear One, if you want to know what it feels like to be free, to fly — you’ve got to be willing to jump.
There is no other way.
Know that nothing about you needs to change for you to be loved, Dear One. You are already loved, totally, completely and eternally – just as you are.
You may think that a partner is necessary to make feeling the experience of love possible. And experiencing love with a partner is one way to experience it, but it is not the only way. And we are not talking about sex, although that is a part of it. It is not a partner that makes love possible. It is not a partner that is creating the love, Dear One.
Love already exists – ready for you to experience anytime that you choose.
With a partner is just the way that you have learned to open yourself up to the experience of love in your physical reality. But if you choose to, you can experience the love that is already yours without one as well.
By simply choosing to believe our words:
You are already loved, Dear One, totally, completely and eternally – just as you are.
Your choices are the breath of your life, Dear One.
They sustain you. They nourish you. They replenish or deplete.
They determine the pace, quality and depth of the days, months and years of your life.
Like your breath Dear One, your choices are more powerful when given the benefit of your full attention.
What is your intuition telling you right this minute, Dear One? Can you hear it?
It is speaking to you all the time. Offering you guidance. Telling you what you need to know, about yourself, your choices, your health, your relationships, your work, your finances, everything. Guiding you towards that which you want most for yourself. That which is for your greatest good, without the limiting influences of fear.
And yet, more often than not you choose to ignore it.
Why do you think that is?
Why, for even one moment, do you think you would choose to disregard or ignore this very clear, precise and always accurate internal guidance system?
We believe there are 2 reasons:
1- You have ignored it for so long that you hardly even recognize it or hear it with any clarity any more.
2- Acting on your intuition requires courage. The courage to trust in yourself.
There is only one way to get past these hurdles, Dear One.
Be Brave. Start Listening. Trust Yourself.
So… what is your intuition telling you to do now?
Sometimes there is no better or more useful way to serve, to be of service, Dear One, then to take really good care of yourself; to honor yourself, to nurture yourself, to prioritize yourself, to enjoy yourself, to shine, and show them how it’s done.
There are two ways that you can choose to respond to any situation, Dear One:
One defines you as powerless, and the other as powerful.
Which are you going to choose for yourself today?
You’re so close, Dear One.
Right this minute, you are only one thought away from feeling so much better.
Don’t give up now.