On: Getting what you want

By |2024-05-22T01:14:08-04:00May 22nd, 2024|English|

You are the creator of your world, Dear One. What you give out is what comes back to you. It is a universal law. Give out insecurity and you will attract insecurity. Give out caution, fear and distrust and you will attract caution, fear and distrust in the people, events and circumstances that surround you. Give out joy, creativity, inspiration, generosity, compassion, confidence and love and guess what you’ll get back?

What you put out there is what you get back. Pay attention and you’ll see.

You are much more in control than you think you are.

On: Loving life

By |2024-05-20T23:32:49-04:00May 20th, 2024|English|

You are meant to love your life, Dear One, not just tolerate it.  It is not an experience you are meant to simply endure.

  • There are an infinite number of options available to you.
  • There are an infinite number of experiences for you to choose from.

So why not make a point of choosing only those things that you want, that excite you, that inspire you, that motivate you, that comfort you, that bring you relief, satisfaction, giddiness, or joy?

You don’t get to decide everything in this life, Dear One, but you do get to decide a lot; much more than you may allow yourself to acknowledge at times.

So what exactly is it that we trying to tell you?

In short, when the choice is yours to make, always choose love first.

On: Creating order

By |2024-05-19T23:50:04-04:00May 19th, 2024|English|

The moment that you decide that you are ready to embrace order in your life, Dear One, your life will begin to become orderly.


Because once you decide, once you become certain of what it is that you want, your attitude, your choices, your actions, and  your behaviors will all begin to support that decision.

Once you decide, Dear One, you will seek out, choose, create and attract order over chaos.

The hard part is not creating what you want.

The hard part is deciding what it is that you really want to create.

On: Getting creative

By |2024-05-19T01:07:48-04:00May 19th, 2024|English|

Creativity is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal, Dear One.

It can turn an old tire into a swing, flour into bread, a stone into a gem, a piece of paper into a poem, an empty space into a home, an idea into a reality.

Your life is not lacking opportunity, Dear One, trust us. All that it is lacking is a little imagination.

It’s time to start getting creative.

How do you do that?

By making the decision right now that the next choice that you make is going to be the inspired one, instead of the expected, logical, or familiar one.

That’s how.

On: What’s the point?

By |2024-05-18T00:01:33-04:00May 17th, 2024|English|

ON A PERSONAL NOTE:  For you, my friend. ♥️

The point of seeking out a loving relationship is not to find someone who will love you so that you can have love in your life, so that you can have an experience of being loved. You don’t need someone to love you in order to have love in your life. You are already loved, totally, completely, deeply, and eternally.

The point, Dear One, of seeking out a loving relationship is that it can teach you how to open yourself up to love, to let more love in, to let more love flow to you and through you. The right relationship will inspire you to open yourself up and allow you to experience more of the love that is already available to you.

Pay attention, Dear One, to how they make you feel, to what feelings they inspire within you.

If being in their company inspires you to feel good, if it inspires confidence, bravery, curiosity, kindness, and love, then do so as much as you possibly can.

But, if being in their company, if spending time with them inspires you to feel badly about yourself, inspires you to feel suspicion, insecurity, uncertainty, inequality, and doubt, then regardless of how much love they say they have for you, what’s the point, if being with them does not allow you to feel it?

On: The discomfort of change

By |2024-05-16T23:12:48-04:00May 16th, 2024|English|

You are feeling a strong desire for change, Dear One; how you look, how you feel, what you do, how you live, what you have, who you love, who loves you, and so on.

And you are uncomfortable with it. You are unsure of how exactly you want to change, and what exactly you want to change into, and how you are going to make all of this change happen. And you want to make the discomfort stop.

But to relieve the stress, the unease that accompanies not knowing, the frustration that comes with not having, the self-loathing that comes with feeling unworthy or undeserving or unprepared, the answer is not to stop wanting, to stop trying, to stop moving forward in an effort to avoid confronting the distress.

The answer is in fact, to do the exact opposite of that.  The answer is to embrace the change, and embrace the lack of clarity, discomfort, uncertainty, and insecurity that comes with it.

Because stopping, turning back, giving up, or running away is never going to get you to where you want to go.  But moving forward just might.

And the truth is that both directions, forwards and back, hold the potential for discomfort, equally.  It is unavoidable, nearly impossible to escape the feeling all together.

So the question that you really want to be asking, when it comes to dealing with the discomfort of change, Dear One, is not, How can you avoid it or make it stop, but….  Do you want to confront, deal with, and work through the discomfort while you are moving forwards, backwards, or standing still?


On: Body talk

By |2024-05-15T22:45:19-04:00May 15th, 2024|English|

Your body is talking to you all the time, Dear One.

Make a point of listening to it today, trusting its wisdom, and taking action on its behalf.

Do this and you will start to feel a whole lot better, a whole lot faster, then if you continue ignoring its cries.

On: Facing your fears

By |2024-05-12T23:13:28-04:00May 12th, 2024|English|

You know it’s not true, Dear One.  You don’t have to face your fears.  You don’t have to muster up the courage to walk right up to them and stare them down in order to move past them.

There is another way.  You’ve got another choice.

If you are willing, you can simply choose to let them go instead.

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