On: Optimal conditions for growth

By |2024-05-11T23:54:06-04:00May 11th, 2024|English|

A flower does not ask why, or how, or when to blossom, Dear One.  It just happens.

Circumstances and conditions dictate the rate, and speed, and timing of growth, as well as the characteristics of the individual seed.

The flower does not choose them, it discovers them.

You’ll flourish under the right circumstances , Dear One. Just pay attention; to what feels good and what feels better.

Some plants flourish in direct sunlight, and others in the shade.

You are not a less beautiful or less valuable flower if direct sunlight causes you to wilt.

The optimal conditions for you will not be the optimal conditions for them.

Let them bloom where they are most nourished, and allow yourself to do the same, without guilt, shame, or remorse.

Embrace your optimal conditions, Dear One, and don’t you dare for one minute feel badly that they are not for everyone. They are not feeling badly for you.

When the conditions are right for you, you’ll know it.  There is no need for you to question them.  Your only job is to embrace them, enjoy them, and to allow yourself to flourish in them when you discover them. And to grow.



On: Judgement

By |2024-05-11T01:00:35-04:00May 10th, 2024|English|

  • The color of your eyes
  • The shape of your nose
  • The thickness of your hair
  • The curve of your hips
  • The label on your jeans
  • The make of your car
  • The size of your paycheck

The notice of these things can be an opportunity for judgment or an opportunity for gratitude.

Hold yourself up against nothing and no one and judgment becomes impossible, Dear One.

Take notice.  And choose gratitude.

On: Our promise

By |2024-05-09T00:12:00-04:00May 9th, 2024|English|

We promise you, Dear One, that everything will be ok, that you will never be without us, that there is no limit to what is possible for you, that inspiration is divine guidance and that following it will never lead you astray, that you will always be beautiful in the eyes of spirit, that you will be loved for all of eternity, that there is always an answer, that you are never trapped, that you can heal from anything, that nothing lasts forever, that if you can imagine it you can create it, and that we always keep our promises.

On: Mastering letting go

By |2024-05-07T23:49:40-04:00May 7th, 2024|English|

When you come to a place where you are able to recognize when a thought, belief, word or deed is not serving you in creating, maintaining, or strengthening your connection to source, (spirit, love, light, well-being, whatever you choose to call it), and you are instantly, and without hesitation, ego, or regret, able to release it, because you know that connection is the most important thing, then you will have achieved mastery of letting go.

It takes time and practice to achieve, Dear One, and we are here to help.

On: Making it a little bit easier

By |2024-05-07T01:26:33-04:00May 7th, 2024|English|

Life is hard enough already, Dear One.

Why add to it by telling yourself that you can’t?

If for no other reason other than the fact that it feels better to do so, today, why not tell yourself that you can instead?

You got this.

On: Abundance

By |2024-05-05T23:36:02-04:00May 5th, 2024|English|

Abundance is a mindset, Dear One, not a physical state of being.

  • It is something you allow, not something you acquire.
  • It is something you experience, not something you have.
  • It is the veil through which you see, feel, and interact with the world around you.

Abundance is a way of life – and it has no limits.

That’s why when you take notice of those that seem to have acquired it, there is no apparent end to their good fortune, to their wealth, to their success, to what they can have, do, or be.

And there is a very good reason for that, Dear One — It’s because there isn’t one.

If your goal, your desire, your objective in this life, is acquire a great deal of anything, abundance will always elude you.

The path to abundance, to more joy, success, love, wealth, comfort, health, to more anything, to more everything, is not a path of accumulation – but  a path of release.

And the truth is that the more you let go, of your limits, of limiting thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors, the more abundant you will be.

On: Your power

By |2024-05-03T23:43:41-04:00May 3rd, 2024|English|

Some days you will be confident, and some days you will be insecure. Some days you will feel pretty and some days you will feel plain.  Some days you will be adored, and some days you will be lonely.  Some days you will be creative, and some days you will be dull.  Some days you will be kind, and some days you will be cruel. Some days you will do no wrong, and some days you will do no right.

But know this, Dear One, that in this life that is full of contradictions, full of realities that are true one minute and not true the next, one thing will never stop being true, and that is that you will never stop being powerful.

You can never stop being powerful.  It is who and what you are.

Now you can choose to use your power to create things that you want in this life, or you can choose to use your power to create things that you despise, or fear, or secretly think that you deserve.   But either way, Dear One, no matter what, you can never stop being powerful, you can never give your power away, or run out of it, or lose it, or have it taken from you, ever.

You can be tricked into thinking it is gone, you can trick yourself into thinking it is gone too. But regardless of how you feel, what you have been told, or what you believe, you will still be powerful, you will still have the power that creates worlds running through you, at your fingertips, at all times, to do with as you please.  You will still be the one with the pen in your hand, writing your story, creating your world, with every thought that you think, word that you speak,  action that you take, and belief that you hold in your heart.

On: When to forgive yourself

By |2024-05-03T01:11:31-04:00May 3rd, 2024|English|

You should forgive yourself, Dear One, quickly, completely, and as often as you possibly can, for everything that you’ve ever done. Especially those things that you just can’t seem to forgive yourself for.


Because it is the only way that you will ever be able to learn from it, grow from it, or do something valuable with the experience of it, and move forward in a better direction.

That does not mean that we are encouraging you to disregard, overlook, belittle, ignore, or dismiss any negative, hurtful, harmful, thoughtless or destructive behavior you may have engaged in or contributed to.

It means that we want you to recognize that the fact that you are aware that you have not forgiven yourself, that you are in need of forgiveness, is an acknowledgement of a wrongdoing, an acknowledgement that you could have done better, that a better choice, a more preferred choice was available to you.

If you did not see a need to forgive at all, that would mean that you did not, could not or most likely would not choose to differently next time.

But if you did see a need to forgive yourself, Dear One, and acknowledged that recognition as a confirmation that you now know better than you did before, that you could now do better, choose better, but still decided not to…

Well, what a waste that would be.

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