On: Giving vs. Taking
Be generous, Dear One, with your spirit, with your gifts, with your heart, in all that you do. There is no reason for you to hold on to yourself, to hold back – for you will never run out of you or of any of the wonderful qualities that make you, you. In fact, the more of yourself that you give away, the quicker you will find yourself restored. Share your gifts, share yourself. Allow both to flow freely out into the world.
Remember Dear One, you live in an abundant universe – where there is no lack.
But know that there is a big difference between giving yourself away/giving of yourself and having others take from you. You will know the difference by how it feels to you because one is restorative and energizing and the other is rather draining.
Take notice of how your energy is flowing – from you, through you, out into the world.
Once you become aware of and can see the difference between giving your energy willingly and having it taken from you, either aggressively or passively, it is our belief that you will at once acquire an awareness of how to protect yourself and prevent the latter from taking place.
Once you learn to see and direct how and where you energy flows, no one or no thing will ever be able to take it from you again without your consent.