On: Giving vs. Taking

By |2024-05-01T22:15:40-04:00May 1st, 2024|English|

Be generous, Dear One, with your spirit, with your gifts, with your heart, in all that you do.  There is no reason for you to hold on to yourself, to hold back  – for you will never run out of you or of any of the wonderful qualities that make you, you.  In fact, the more of yourself that you give away, the quicker you will find yourself restored.  Share your gifts, share yourself.  Allow both to flow freely out into the world.

Remember Dear One, you live in an abundant universe – where there is no lack.

But know that there is a big difference between giving yourself away/giving of yourself and having others take from you.  You will know the difference by how it feels to you because one is restorative and energizing and the other is rather draining.

Take notice of how your energy is flowing – from you, through you, out into the world.

Once you become aware of and can see the difference between giving your energy willingly and having it taken from you, either aggressively or passively, it is our belief that you will at once acquire an awareness of how to protect yourself and prevent the latter from taking place.

Once you learn to see and direct how and where you energy flows, no one or no thing will ever be able to take it from you again without your consent.

On: What to do

By |2024-04-29T23:07:56-04:00April 29th, 2024|English|

  • Unfortunately, there is no “right” thing to do, Dear One.
  • Fortunately, there is no “wrong” thing to do either.

There is however, the brave thing to do, the empowering thing to do, the compassionate thing to do, the honest thing to do, the convenient thing to do, the hurtful thing to do, the vengeful thing to do, the lazy thing to do, the fearful thing to do, the adventurous thing to do, the loving thing to do, and so on.

Get the picture?

There is no “right” answer to your question, Dear One.

There is only the answer that you choose – the answer that feels right to you.  And you’re the only one that will ever know what that is.

So don’t ask us what we think you should do  – ask your heart instead.

The answer you are looking for is there – we promise you that.

Once you find it, then you can ask us what we think you should do.

And our answer will be a simple one – Act on it.

On: When things don’t go as planned

By |2024-04-28T21:59:05-04:00April 28th, 2024|English|

The next time that you find yourself feeling angry, frustrated, fearful, anxious or lost, Dear One, when things don’t go according to plan, we want you to ask yourself, which you are more committed to, the experience of the journey or the plan?

On: Giving it a rest

By |2024-04-28T00:21:28-04:00April 28th, 2024|English|

Sometime healing does not require a new herb, potion, tonics or pill Dear One.  Sometimes it does not require a new way of thinking, moving, eating, or behaving. Sometimes it does not require a new mantra, meditation, massage or treatment.  Sometimes it doesn’t even require compassion, understanding, insight or forgiveness.

Sometimes, Dear One, the only thing that is required to heal, is rest.

So, before you go off in search of a new answer, a new technique, a new practice, a new method, a new plan for healing your body, for healing your life, why not give resting a try instead.

Make a commitment, to sleep, for the whole night, every single night, for one week, and see how you feel.

Don’t make excuses about why this can’t happen, Dear One, just make sure that it does

On: A sticky situation

By |2024-04-26T21:48:20-04:00April 26th, 2024|English|

Regardless of just how sticky things may get, Dear One, you should know that you always have two options available to you at all times:

  • Create more of what is by focusing your attention on it
  • Create less of what is by focusing your attention elsewhere

Remember that despite the way that things may look, you are always the one in control of determining just how stuck you allow yourself to become in any situation.

On: An experiment

By |2024-04-26T12:07:04-04:00April 25th, 2024|English|

If you are up for the challenge, Dear One, we would like for you to make a commitment to yourself today to only speak your truth, and to take notice of how it feels to you to do so.

What does that mean?

  •  That you will remain conscious and that you will think before you speak.
  • That you will only answer questions from your heart, and not from habit.
  • That you will only say what you really mean, and not what you think they need you to say, or expect you to say.

Do you think this is a silly experiment, Dear One, and that you are already living your truth?

We’ll there is one way for you to find out!


On: A shortcut

By |2024-04-24T22:05:01-04:00April 24th, 2024|English|

An unsolicited piece of advice for you today, Dear One: Don’t fight your heart, follow it.

When there is a battle raging within you between your head and your heart – – know this, your heart will always win, every single time – – eventually.

You can choose to take the long road around and figure this one out for yourself the hard way, or you can choose to take the shortcut, and trust us.

We would love nothing more than to see you save yourself whole heap of time, aggravation and grief by deciding to act on your hearts behalf sooner rather than later, Dear One.

But all we can do is make the suggestion, it is up to you decide which route  you want to take.

On: Setting the tone

By |2024-04-24T01:04:16-04:00April 24th, 2024|English|

Your thoughts set the tone for your day, Dear One.

  • Scary thoughts can cause almost any experience to seem frightening.
  • Happy, silly thoughts cause you to see humor in almost any situation.
  • Thoughts of scarcity can cause you to see lack under any circumstance.

You get the gist.

Your thoughts (fueled by your beliefs), not only determine the tone of your day, Dear One, they determine your reaction to, experience with, and interpretation of, every, single, thing that happens to you over the course of your entire life.

THAT is why we keep saying to you, change your thoughts and you can change your experience of every, single, thing that follows.

Life is not setting the tone, Dear One.  You are.



On: Creating more of what you want

By |2024-04-22T23:12:03-04:00April 22nd, 2024|English|

How is it that you go about creating more of what you want in this world, Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

There is more kindness in the world when you are kind.

There is more love when you love.

There is more forgiveness when you forgive, more tolerance when you are tolerant, more compassion when you are compassionate, more trust when you trust.

Are you getting the idea?

So, what’s it going to be?  What are you going to make more of today?

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