On: Putting it into context

By |2024-04-11T23:08:34-04:00April 11th, 2024|English|

Attitudes, Dear One, are what put any event, situation, or circumstance into context.

It is not the event, the circumstance, or the situation itself so much that is the primary determiner of your reaction to it, as much as it is the attitude that you hold towards it, the disposition that you are wearing when the situation arises.

We are telling you this, Dear One, not so that you will blame yourself for bad feelings that may arise when “something” terrible, troubling, or undesirable happens.  But simply to make you aware, and not so quick to blame the “event” itself entirely for how you are feeling, or put a great deal of effort into trying to change the “event”, the or external circumstances that created it, in order to help yourself feel differently or better about it.

Examining the attitudes that you have about it, and the lens through which you are viewing it, is where the real power for change lays, and will have a much greater impact on helping you to navigate your way through your feelings about it, or the feelings that come up for you as a result of it.



On: Which would you prefer?

By |2024-04-11T00:07:33-04:00April 11th, 2024|English|

Which would you prefer?

  • To live in an abundant universe filled with unlimited resources, or one filled with shortages and lack?
  • To have an unlimited number of choices available to you in every situation, or only one?
  • To live in a reality that is fluid, forgiving, changeable, and influenced by all those who live in it, or one that is linear, solid and unforgiving, that you are powerless to change?

Choose your answers wisely Dear One, because once you do, you are going to have to live with them, you are going to have to live in the reality that they create as a result.

On: Prayer

By |2024-04-10T00:10:25-04:00April 10th, 2024|English|

A prayer is a peaceful promise to yourself, Dear One – a promise to allow that which you are needing, wanting, asking for, into your life.

A prayer is a preparation.  It is a ritual to help get you ready to receive, to help you shift into a mindset of receiving.

That is why prayers of gratitude are the most powerful.

On: What forgiveness is, and is not

By |2024-04-09T01:18:18-04:00April 9th, 2024|English|

Forgiveness isn’t about condoning, accepting, forgetting, or dismissing their poor behavior, hurtful words, or damaging actions, Dear One.

It is about making a choice to prioritize yourself, your health, your happiness, and your well-being, over your pain.

On: Some wonderful news

By |2024-04-07T22:25:02-04:00April 7th, 2024|English|

The people, circumstances, events, and relationships in your life are not the problem, Dear One.

It is your reaction to them, your expectations of them, your behavior towards them, your beliefs about them, that is causing most of your discontent.

Isn’t that wonderful news?

You don’t have to wait, hope, pray or push for them to change in order for things to get better.

You can change you, and make things better right now!

On: Why should you bother?

By |2024-04-07T12:41:03-04:00April 7th, 2024|English|

Accepting who you are, Dear One, understanding, trusting, believing, that you are energy, consciousness, a divine spirit having a physical experience, that you are an essential part of all that is, that you are connected to everything and everyone, that you are a powerful creator responsible for the expansion of the universe, changes nothing.

  • Who you are will remain the same
  • Your face will not change
  • Your gifts and talents will remain exactly as they are
  • Your world will still be round
  • You will still wake up everyday, in your physical body, and need to tend to your physical needs

Accept who you really are and nothing will be different, except for your perception of what is, your belief of what can be, your understanding of your connection to all things, your awareness of how you are creating your world, and your experience of everything in it.

Everything will remain exactly the same, Dear One, and nothing will ever be the same again.

On: Paying attention

By |2024-04-05T23:12:48-04:00April 5th, 2024|English|

Pay attention, Dear One.

Take notice of what happens to your thoughts and your actions when you remember to remain fully present in all that you do.

On: How you can help

By |2024-04-05T00:19:47-04:00April 5th, 2024|English|

When you see that they are hurting, when you see that they are struggling, when you see that they are lost, confused, or in pain and you want to help, but don’t know how — Love them, Dear One.

There is no more useful thing that you can do.

We know that sometimes love does not seem like it’s enough, but trust us, it is.

Love heals. Love inspires. Love transforms.  Love can do a great many things.

  • Don’t pity them
  • Don’t fear for them
  • Don’t be sad for them
  • Don’t join them in their grief

See them as well.  See them as whole.  See them as prosperous.  See them as confident.  See them as happy.  See them as healed.  See them as the person that they want to be in this moment.  Hold an image of them in your mind and in your heart that they are not yet able to hold for themselves.

You can’t give your attention to their pain, to their struggle, to their problem, or their grief, and hope to be a part of their solution, Dear One.

If you really want to help, if you really want to make a difference,  keep seeing the best in them, and for them and just keep loving them.

It truly is the best and most useful thing that you can do.

On: Love by example

By |2024-04-04T01:10:12-04:00April 4th, 2024|English|

Choose to love yourself first, Dear One, and show them how it’s done.

We can think of no more powerful gift that you could give them today then to help them to know the experience, the joy, the potential, the pleasure of self-love/self-care.

On: Changing your priorities

By |2024-04-02T23:39:33-04:00April 2nd, 2024|English|

Whatever your priorities are, Dear One, regardless of how long the list, we implore you to please add one more; make enjoying the process, enjoying the path, one of them.

Prioritize it just as high, or even higher than achieving your goals.

That way, win or lose, success or failure, victory or defeat, you come out on top.

So what do you think? Can you make room for one more?

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