On: Decision making
If you want to feel better about the decisions that you are making in your life, Dear One, we have a suggestion for you; stop asking other people for their opinions of them.
If you want to feel better about the decisions that you are making in your life, Dear One, we have a suggestion for you; stop asking other people for their opinions of them.
Why are we always encouraging you so strongly to be fully present in the moment, Dear One?
We’ll tell you.
That’s why.
No, Dear One, you are not f#@%ing up.
You are simply choosing; to want this and not that, to allow this and not that, to create this and not that.
And all of these choices are not necessarily going to be well received by those around you. They are not necessarily going to feel good to those around you. They are not necessarily going to create balance and wellbeing for those around you. And they may even cause those around you to lash out as a consequence.
But you are not choosing for THEIR greatest good, Dear One. You are choosing for your own.
(and don’t forget that they are doing the same.)
And today we want you to do more of it, not less.
And KNOW that if everyone around you does not embrace your choices, and a little bit (or a lot) of chaos ensues as a result, that you have our word that even in the midst of this chaos, you are most definitely NOT f#@%ing up.
Keep choosing you.
They are not the reason you are exhausted, Dear One.
You are. You are exhausting yourself by trying to please them, by choosing to prioritize them and their needs above your own.
They are not the ones doing this to you. You are doing this all by yourself, to yourself.
And you can choose to stop doing it anytime that you would like.
Your bad feelings are merely a symptom.
They are a symptom that arises when what you want, what you desire, what you feel you deserve, what you feel you are entitled to, is not in alignment with, or a reflection of, what you’ve got.
And here are two ways that you can go about finding relief from this very uncomfortable symptom:
(And if you were thinking that that last one sounded a whole lot like we were talking about gratitude, you should know that you’d be right.)
It only feels as if you are risking something by stepping out into the unknown, Dear One – going somewhere that you have never gone before, trying something that you have never tried before.
But the truth is that there is no safer place that you could possibly be than on the edge of something new, in the process of creation.
Resistance causes risk, Dear One. Fear, hesitation, uncertainty, and doubt, all serve to pinch off the flow of source energy into your life. Trust, creativity, connection, and creation, all serve to open it up.
So basically, what we are telling you is that holding back, hesitation, doubt, resistance, and fear are far greater sources of risk for you in your life than trying something new ever would be, ever could be.
So why take the risk?
Because standing on the edge of something new, be-ing the process of creation, is the safest place that you could ever possibly be.
You can choose to believe that you can handle it, Dear One, or you can choose to believe that you can’t.
Whichever choice you make, you’ll be right.
What do you want your contribution to be today, Dear One?
How do you know what to believe, Dear One? How can you tell what the best, right, correct thing for you to do is? How can you tell what you should trust?
We will tell you.
Always listen to your wise heart, Dear One, above all else.
And how can you tell what feelings, instincts, beliefs, or thoughts are coming from you heart?
That easy.
They are the ones that are fueled by light, instead of by fright.
You are not here to complete a task, Dear One. And you are not here to win. You are not here to prove a point, to get the boy/girl, to win the race, to nail the bid, to be right, better, or best either.
You are here to have an experience of being alive. You are here to experience joy, to get to know yourself, to get to know your heart, to discover who you are, and what you capable of, what you enjoy and what you don’t, what makes you cry and what makes you laugh, what inspires you and what frightens you, what moves you to love, and what stands in your way to it.
And you are here to have an experience of getting to know them too.
Remember that, Dear One, as you move through each task, each conversation, each interaction throughout your day, your week, your year, your life.