On: Your destiny

By |2025-01-31T23:50:48-05:00January 31st, 2025|English|

We want you to know, Dear One that destiny, the universe, God, spirit, prana, fate, life force, serendipity, karma, whatever you want to call it, whatever you believe in, is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, not the most powerful force in the universe dictating the course of your life.

You are.

Accept this, believe this to be true, Dear One, and you will be accepting one of the most powerful, the most precious, the most empowering gifts in all of creation – the limitless power of choice.

On: Trying something new

By |2025-01-31T00:13:43-05:00January 31st, 2025|English|

The purpose of each new day, Dear One, is not to give you another opportunity to experience something that you have already experienced the day before.  Each new day holds the possibility for you, if you should choose to accept it, to see, feel, say, do, taste, or hear, something new, something totally and completely different than anything you have ever experienced before.

We understand that it can be difficult, intimidating, exhausting even, to embrace the new, especially if you are attempting to do so by approaching every experience as something to be judged, understood, processed, categorized and compared to each that has come before it.

But what if, Dear One, you did not do those things?  What if instead you practiced not comparing and contrasting, not judging or evaluating, not looking back and measuring just how far you are from where you were?

What do you think the experience of change would be like then?

We would like for you to try it and see.

On: Making tough decisions

By |2025-01-30T00:18:36-05:00January 30th, 2025|English|

Making tough decisions is a part of life, Dear One.

Living is choosing. By now, you have had more then enough experiences to know that this is true.

Life can force you to make tough decisions at any time, with or without fair warning.

  • Choose with your heart, connected to your source, open to the limitless possibilities and wisdom of the universe, and your choice, regardless of what you decide, will be an empowering one for you.
  • Choose with your head, based on logic, expectations and experiences grounded in the past, rooted in fear, scarcity or resistance, and disconnected from your source, and your choice, regardless of what you decide, will be a limiting one for you.

Hopefully knowing this will help make the process of making your tough decision a little less tough.

On: Miracles

By |2025-01-29T00:37:49-05:00January 28th, 2025|English|

When you wake up each morning, Dear One, there are infinite possibilities available to you.  And these possibilities diminish only when you choose to dismiss them.  Only when you decide that something is impossible does it become impossible.

The truth is that anything is possible.  It is in large part a matter of belief that allows everything into your reality.

First you must believe, and then you will see.

So, don’t expect miracles to show up in your day if you don’t’ believe in them.  Expect reality, and you won’t be disappointed.  Expecting a miracle can be a very difficult thing to do if you don’t believe.  Expecting reality is much simpler, and much more logical thing to do.

But, if your belief of reality is that anything is possible, well then…..

See what you expect.  Expect more than what you see.  This is the key to creation, to “miracles”.

On: The dark

By |2025-01-27T23:54:33-05:00January 27th, 2025|English|

Some things, can only been seen in the dark, Dear One.

To never enter the dark room, to never walk through the darkness with your eyes open, is to miss out on half of the experience of being alive.


On: Unfamiliar territory

By |2025-01-27T01:03:31-05:00January 27th, 2025|English|

Finding yourself in unfamiliar territory is actually a good thing, Dear One.

It means that things are moving, shifting, changing, evolving.

Instead of getting distressed about it, questioning it,  and exerting your time and energy trying to figure out how to get yourself back out of it, give yourself a minute to adjust, look around and explore this new space, because chances are that when you do, you will discover that you are standing exactly where you need to be.

On: Those little pricks

By |2025-01-26T00:07:49-05:00January 26th, 2025|English|

We know that you are tough,  Dear One and we know that you are strong, and clever, and resourceful tool.  We know that you are extremely capable of coping with, adapting to, accepting, and working around obstacles, difficulties, and pain.

But the truth is that we don’t want you to be.

What we want for you Dear One, is that when you first feel that splinter go in, when you first feel that little prick of pain, when that alarm sounds and you experience those first pangs of concern, distress, discomfort, hurting, or dis-ease, that you give your coping skills a rest for a change.

We don’t want to see you reach for your usual box of Band-Aids and show us and the rest of the world just how well you can adapt to it, cope with it, rationalize it or downplay it and keep on going.  What we want Dear One, is to see you reach for the tweezers instead.

We don’t want you getting better, and becoming more practiced at learning to live with the little pricks in your life.  We want you getting better at removing them, while they are still small, before they have a chance to take root, evolve, spread, and grow into bigger ones.

On: What’s holding you back

By |2025-01-24T00:13:11-05:00January 24th, 2025|English|

Choosing to hold on, Dear One, just may be the choice that is holding you back.

Something that is right for you, that is a vibration match to you, will move right along with you.

If you have to stop, stand still or move backwards repeatedly or for extended periods of time in order to keep it, if you feel like you are having to hold-on tighter and tighter to keep from losing it, you may want to consider the possibility that it is no longer right for you, and that it may be time for you to let it go and move on without it.

On: Freedom of choice

By |2025-01-23T00:16:01-05:00January 23rd, 2025|English|

You have complete freedom of choice, Dear One, when it comes to your thoughts.

You are free to choose to think absolutely any thought that you want to;

  • About you
  • About them
  • About what is
  • About what was
  • About what could be

So remember, if you don’t like the one that you are thinking right now, if it is not bringing you pleasure, joy, contentment, or relief, you are free to choose another.

Your thoughts determine your reality, Dear One, they impact the quality of every single experience that you have, so please don’t be so quick to dismiss the significant power that this freedom affords you.

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