Sometimes a little turbulence can be the price of admission, Dear One.
When you begin to tread a new path, one that you have never taken before, know that the ground might feel rough, bumpy or uneven to you at first. It may continue to feel that way until you cross over it a couple of times, clear out a path, make an impression, and become familiar with your new surroundings.
Bumps in the road do not mean that you are going the wrong way. They do not mean that you have chosen incorrectly, made a wrong turn or that you need to go back. Sometimes they are just the experiences that come along with going somewhere you have never gone before.
If the road gets bumpy, when you are traveling a path that you felt guided to travel, don’t doubt, Dear One, trust, get excited, because the turbulence that you are feeling may very well be the entry point into someplace new. You just may be on the verge of discovering the very thing that you have been searching for, that you have been asking for.
How do you know for sure?
You listen to your heart, you trust your instincts, you have faith in yourself and all that brought you to this point.
And then, if you should feel so inclined, you leap.
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