It’s all about timing, Dear One.  And the time that should always hold the most significance for you is the present time – the now – this moment.

Part of what is so incredible about this physical reality that you are living, is that it allows you to break down eternity into moment-by-moment experiences.  It allows you to actively, fully and completely engage with each-and-every experience, one-at-a-time. That is what is truly miraculous about the gift of time, and so many of you are missing the boat completely on this one.

You, in this physical state, get to experience a sequential reality and not just a spectral reality, as is the experience of spirit.  That is one of the reasons you have come forth.  To experience one moment at a time.  So don’t be so quick to avoid doing so.  Don’t be so quick to toss moments aside.  Don’t be so quick to fill up each and every second to the point of distraction.  Don’t be quick to focus on “what next” instead of “what now”.  Don’t be so quick Dear One, Period!

Don’t curse time for moving too fast or moving too slow. For prolonging your pain or cutting short your pleasure.  You are still the one in charge of how you choose to experience its passage. That power has and always will rest with you, not with time.  Time is a gift Dear One.  Not a curse.   Make a choice to experience it with grace, ease and gratitude.  Use it.  Enjoy it.  Celebrate it, because the experience of it is one of the biggest reasons you have come forth.