On: Finding your center
Do you want to know how to find your center, Dear One? Do you want to know how to move towards a greater state of balance?
Look for, seek out, create, move towards, spread, allow yourself to experience joy, as much of it as you possibly can.
Love, laugher, happiness, compassion, contentment, joyful feelings, are all expressions of balance and reflections of alignment.
- The more joy you experience, the better you will feel, the closer you will be to a balanced state.
- The more balanced you are, the more balance you will bring to the world.
- The more balance you bring to the world, the better off we all will be because of it.
You should know, Dear One, that joy is at the center of balance and alignment for us all, and that your experience of it serves a far greater purpose than just making you feel good.
So just in case you were wondering if feeling better, if going in search of your center, in search of balance is really worth all of the effort, we want to reassure you, that it most definitely is.