On: Finding your center

By |2025-02-19T00:30:55-05:00February 19th, 2025|English|

Do you want to know how to find your center, Dear One?  Do you want to know how to move towards a greater state of balance?

Look for, seek out, create, move towards, spread, allow yourself to experience joy, as much of it as you possibly can.

Love, laugher, happiness, compassion, contentment, joyful feelings, are all expressions of balance and reflections of alignment.

  • The more joy you  experience, the better you will feel, the closer you will be to a balanced state.
  • The more balanced you are, the more balance you will bring to the world.
  • The more balance you bring to the world, the better off we all will be because of it.

You should know, Dear One, that joy is at the center of balance and alignment for us all, and that your experience of it serves a far greater purpose than just making you feel good.

So just in case you were wondering if feeling better, if going in search of your center, in search of balance is really worth all of the effort, we want to reassure you, that it most definitely is.

On: A change of heart

By |2025-02-18T00:08:52-05:00February 18th, 2025|English|

Don’t spend your time waiting, pleading, bargaining, trying to convince them to have a change of heart, Dear One.

The only heart that you have the power to change is your own.

On: Open wide

By |2025-02-13T00:16:41-05:00February 13th, 2025|English|

Hiding, staying small, keeping quiet, running away, giving up, playing it safe, or getting angry, is not going to protect you, Dear One, is not going to lessen the pain, frustration, confusion, discomfort, or lack of abundance in your life, is not going to serve you in any positive way.

Open your heart, open your mind, open your eyes, open your mouth.

Open up wide, Dear One, wider than you ever have before and let in the light, make room for something new, create space for something different, for a new possibility, for a new outcome.

Listen to what we are telling you, Dear One.

It is the safest, quickest, most effective and pleasurable route out of any undesired state or situation there is.

On: Saying goodbye

By |2025-02-12T10:46:04-05:00February 12th, 2025|English|

What can you do for someone who is leaving you, Dear One, for someone who is in the process of leaving your physical world and transitioning to spirit?

You can do the only thing for them that you can ever do for anyone else in your life, regardless of what stage of living or dying they are in.

You can love them.

Loving them is not pitying them. And loving them is not fearing for them.  And loving them it is not fixing them, healing them, or deceiving them either.

The very best thing that we can tell you to do for them today, Dear One, for all of your friends and loved ones for that matter is this – just keep right on loving them.


♥️ We love you, John ♥️

On: Time

By |2025-02-10T21:41:09-05:00February 10th, 2025|English|

It’s all about timing, Dear One.  And the time that should always hold the most significance for you is the present time – the now – this moment.

Part of what is so incredible about this physical reality that you are living, is that it allows you to break down eternity into moment-by-moment experiences.  It allows you to actively, fully and completely engage with each-and-every experience, one-at-a-time. That is what is truly miraculous about the gift of time, and so many of you are missing the boat completely on this one.

You, in this physical state, get to experience a sequential reality and not just a spectral reality, as is the experience of spirit.  That is one of the reasons you have come forth.  To experience one moment at a time.  So don’t be so quick to avoid doing so.  Don’t be so quick to toss moments aside.  Don’t be so quick to fill up each and every second to the point of distraction.  Don’t be quick to focus on “what next” instead of “what now”.  Don’t be so quick Dear One, Period!

Don’t curse time for moving too fast or moving too slow. For prolonging your pain or cutting short your pleasure.  You are still the one in charge of how you choose to experience its passage. That power has and always will rest with you, not with time.  Time is a gift Dear One.  Not a curse.   Make a choice to experience it with grace, ease and gratitude.  Use it.  Enjoy it.  Celebrate it, because the experience of it is one of the biggest reasons you have come forth.

On: Going first

By |2025-02-08T00:12:40-05:00February 8th, 2025|English|

Trust yourself, Dear One.

Don’t wait for someone else’s approval. Don’t wait to find someone who’s done it before.  Don’t wait for someone to agree with you. Don’t wait until you think your guaranteed success before you try.

Say it. Do it. Build it. Create it. Try it. Go for it.  Now.

Because what a shame it would be for you and everyone around you, if your thoughts, your ideas, your opinions, your perspective, your brilliance, if all of the things that make you uniquely you, were never shared with the world because someone else didn’t think of them first.

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