On: Ending the mystery

By |2025-03-04T23:56:47-05:00March 4th, 2025|English|

The company that you keep, Dear One, impacts your physical, mental, and emotional health in much the same way that the foods that eat do.

We would love to see you become as selective, aware, and intentional about who you choose to spend your time with, and who you give your time, energy and attention to, as you are about what you choose to consume.

Do this Dear One, and you we think that you will quickly discover that why you feel the way that you do at any given moment in time is really much less of a mystery than you may have originally thought.

On: Regaining control

By |2025-03-04T00:53:06-05:00March 4th, 2025|English|

Do you want to know how you turn things around, Dear One, how you get it to stop feeling like things are spinning out of control?

We’ll tell you.

Remember that you are the creator of your world. Remember that you are the one in charge, the one deciding, choosing, attracting, and manifesting all that you’ve got, all that you are experiencing, all that is headed your way.

If you want to slow things down, slow them down, if you want to speed things up, speed them up, if you want more or less, bigger or smaller, lighter or darker, (you get the idea) create it, choose it, make it so.  It’s just that simple.


Stop reacting and start creating.

Align your thoughts, energy, words, deeds, and beliefs with what you want, Dear One, instead of with what is, and you’ll see what we are talking about.

On: Redefining success

By |2025-03-03T01:02:56-05:00March 3rd, 2025|English|

Balance is not achieved, Dear One, by succeeding at everything that you do.

Balance is achieved  when balance is the goal.
Balance is achieved when balance is the measure of success.

Make sense?

Balance is not achieved by acquiring more money, more clients, or more attention.
Balance is not reached by being thinner, prettier, or smarter.
Balance is not attained by being more organized, more enlightened, or more accomplished than all the rest.

Success is balance, Dear One.  Balance is success.

Does knowing this now change any of your plans for the day?

Now get out there and succeed.


On: Making it simple

By |2025-03-02T00:57:10-05:00March 2nd, 2025|English|

Do you want to know how to transform even the most complicated situation into a simple one?   We’ll tell you.

When considering all of the possible ways in which you could choose to respond, choose the simplest one.

That is all there is to it!

The best and only way to create simplicity from complexity, Dear One, is to choose it.

On: Claiming your freedom

By |2025-02-28T23:37:38-05:00February 28th, 2025|English|

Freedom comes to you, belongs to you, is yours, Dear One, when you take ownership of it.

  • Own your choices
  • Own your time
  • Own your fears even

Whatever it is you are feeling today, once and for all, claim it as your own. Not as something someone gave to you. Not as something someone forced up on you. Not as something you inherited. And definitely not as something you were tricked into picking up.

Own it, Dear One. Totally and completely as your own.

Because if you are feeling it, it already exists within you, it’s already a part of you, it’s already yours.   And THAT ownership, Dear One, is not debatable.

And once you own it, accept it, claim it as your own, acknowledge that it belongs to you, then, and only then will you have the power to decide what to do with it, will you be able to decide what will become of it, will you be free to do with it as you please.

And not a moment before.


On: The point

By |2025-02-28T00:14:12-05:00February 28th, 2025|English|

Once you come to realize/recognize/remember/accept, Dear One, that healing / balance / alignment IS the point, the whole point of your journey, nothing ordinary will ever not feel extraordinary again.



On: Ways to learn

By |2025-02-27T01:55:27-05:00February 27th, 2025|English|

There are an infinite number of different ways for you learn, Dear One.

  • You can learn from standing the sidelines or you can learn by jumping in.
  • You can learn by playing it safe or by taking a risk.
  • You can learn through solitude or through connection.

Which to choose depends entirely on what kind of learning experience you are hoping to have.

And that is something that no one but you can decide for yourself.

So if you were hoping that we were going to help you out this time, that we were going to give you the answer, we are sorry to say that we can not, we will not tell you what to do.

But we will give you one small hint, Dear One.

And here it is.


On: How to pull yourself together

By |2025-02-26T01:16:00-05:00February 26th, 2025|English|

A piece of you is here, Dear One, and a piece of you is over there.  A piece of you is at your desk.  A piece of you is worrying about a friend.  A piece of you is planning dinner.  A piece of you is getting ready for what’s next, what if, and what could be. And a piece of you is thinking about all of the things that you need to do, want to do, have done but don’t believe that you have done well enough, and so on.

We get it.  You know how to do multiple things at once (or at least try to).  It is a skill that you have been practicing for most of your life with varying degrees of success.

But what if today you tried something new, Dear One?

What if today, instead, you practiced doing only one thing a time?

It is the fastest way we can think of that will help you to pull yourself right back together again.

On: Only one choice to make

By |2025-02-25T00:43:36-05:00February 25th, 2025|English|

There truly is only one choice for you to make everyday, Dear One, and that is to choose to allow life to flow through you, or to choose to not allow life to flow through you.

Every other decision that you make is just a expression of either one or the other.

On: The domino effect

By |2025-02-24T00:33:17-05:00February 24th, 2025|English|

Decide right now, Dear One, before you do anything else, how you are going to approach this day.

  • Are you going to react to it, and all of the people, circumstances and events in it, or are you going to intentionally create it?
  • Are you going to approach it with confidence or with fear?
  • With trust or with doubt?
  • With excitement or with dread?
  • With self-pity or with gratitude?
  • With an open heart or a closed one?
  • With a belief in limitations or in endless possibilities?

Think carefully about your answer, Dear One.  Choose it very consciously.  Because whatever you decide right now, is going to impact every other decision that you make today, and your experience of every single thing that follows.

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