On: Finding someone who “gets” you.

By |2025-02-22T23:05:30-05:00February 22nd, 2025|English|

Do you want to know how to find someone who “gets” you, Dear One?

Do you want to know what you need to do to surround yourself with more people who really “get” who you are?

We’ll tell you.

Don’t go in search of them. Don’t exert a great amount of time, energy and effort seeking them out.  There is no need.

Just be yourself.  Reveal more of yourself, of who you really are to the world around you and all of the people in it, in everything that you do, as often as you possibly can, and they will find you!

On: What they think of you

By |2025-02-21T23:35:32-05:00February 21st, 2025|English|

What you think of you is so much more important than what they think of you, Dear One.

  • What you think of you impacts the choices that you make
  • What you think of you influences the company that you keep
  • What you think of you determines the kind of friend that you are
  • What you think of you inspires that work that you do
  • What you think of you governs the chances that you take
  • What you think of you shapes who you are and the direction of your life

What they think of you reflects only what they think of you.

On: No more

By |2025-02-21T01:13:30-05:00February 21st, 2025|English|

You say you want things to be different and yet you continue to bring the same attitude, beliefs, mindset, patterns, and expectations to the table each day. How can you continue to think, feel, speak, and act the same way and expect your experience to change?

Your circumstances may not be what is holding you back, Dear One.

On: Finding your center

By |2025-02-19T00:30:55-05:00February 19th, 2025|English|

Do you want to know how to find your center, Dear One?  Do you want to know how to move towards a greater state of balance?

Look for, seek out, create, move towards, spread, allow yourself to experience joy, as much of it as you possibly can.

Love, laugher, happiness, compassion, contentment, joyful feelings, are all expressions of balance and reflections of alignment.

  • The more joy you  experience, the better you will feel, the closer you will be to a balanced state.
  • The more balanced you are, the more balance you will bring to the world.
  • The more balance you bring to the world, the better off we all will be because of it.

You should know, Dear One, that joy is at the center of balance and alignment for us all, and that your experience of it serves a far greater purpose than just making you feel good.

So just in case you were wondering if feeling better, if going in search of your center, in search of balance is really worth all of the effort, we want to reassure you, that it most definitely is.

On: A change of heart

By |2025-02-18T00:08:52-05:00February 18th, 2025|English|

Don’t spend your time waiting, pleading, bargaining, trying to convince them to have a change of heart, Dear One.

The only heart that you have the power to change is your own.

On: Open wide

By |2025-02-13T00:16:41-05:00February 13th, 2025|English|

Hiding, staying small, keeping quiet, running away, giving up, playing it safe, or getting angry, is not going to protect you, Dear One, is not going to lessen the pain, frustration, confusion, discomfort, or lack of abundance in your life, is not going to serve you in any positive way.

Open your heart, open your mind, open your eyes, open your mouth.

Open up wide, Dear One, wider than you ever have before and let in the light, make room for something new, create space for something different, for a new possibility, for a new outcome.

Listen to what we are telling you, Dear One.

It is the safest, quickest, most effective and pleasurable route out of any undesired state or situation there is.

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