On: When in doubt

By |2025-01-10T23:52:36-05:00January 10th, 2025|English|

When you are in doubt, Dear One, and don’t know what to do next,  what choice to make next, what direction you want to move in next, instead of getting caught up in an exhausting cycle of uncertainty, choose to be grateful instead – find something to be grateful for instead– and trust that when you make room for it, the answer that you are looking for will come to you.

And if it does not come to you right away – at least the time you spend waiting will be time well spent.

On: Why you can’t quit

By |2025-01-09T23:51:35-05:00January 9th, 2025|English|

You can’t quit, Dear One.

  • Not because you shouldn’t.
  • Not because you couldn’t
  • Not because it’s a sign of weakness, failure or an admittance of guilt or incompetence if you do

You can’t quit because whatever it is you are trying to get away from by quitting is not going to go away until you deal with it, confront it, face it, handle it, learn from it, address it head on.  It will keep coming back, in one form or another, again and again and again, until you do.

When it comes down to it, quitting really is nothing more than a delay tactic.

It is a defeatist act rooted in frustration, desperation and a belief in powerlessness, and it resolves nothing

But making a conscious decision to walk away, choosing to make a different choice, an empowered choice, now that is an entirely different story altogether.

On: Your top priority

By |2025-01-08T23:59:53-05:00January 8th, 2025|English|

If feeling better, being happy, creating balance, and enjoying this moment, was your top priority, Dear One, what would you be doing right now?


What are you waiting for?

On: The price of admission

By |2025-01-07T23:25:17-05:00January 7th, 2025|English|

Sometimes a little turbulence can be the price of admission, Dear One.

When you begin to tread a new path, one that you have never taken before, know that the ground might feel rough, bumpy or uneven to you at first.  It may continue to feel that way until you cross over it a couple of times, clear out a path, make an impression, and become familiar with your new surroundings.

Bumps in the road do not mean that you are going the wrong way.  They do not mean that you have chosen incorrectly, made a wrong turn or that you need to go back.   Sometimes they are just the experiences that come along with going somewhere you have never gone before.

If the road gets bumpy, when you are traveling a path that you felt guided to travel, don’t doubt, Dear One, trust, get excited, because the turbulence that you are feeling may very well be the entry point into someplace new.  You just may be on the verge of discovering the very thing that you have been searching for, that you have been asking for.

How do you know for sure?

You listen to your heart, you trust your instincts, you have faith in yourself and all that brought you to this point.

And then, if you should feel so inclined, you leap.

On: Choosing your part

By |2025-01-06T01:26:44-05:00January 6th, 2025|English|

You can choose to be your stories greatest victor, Dear One, or its most tragic victim.

The pen is in your hand.

What’s it going to be?

Write yourself well.

On: I can’t

By |2025-01-05T01:06:44-05:00January 5th, 2025|English|

What’s the big deal about saying “I can’t” , Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

Once you decide that you can’t, once you make up your mind and choose to believe this as your truth, it will become your truth.  And when it does, doors will immediately begin to disappear from your sight as a result.

Once you decide that you can’t, you cut yourself off from countless possibilities, you cut yourself off from so many experiences that are and have always been available to  you.

And once that happens, you are no longer able to see the world as it really is – infinite.  You are no longer able to see the truth of your reality, the truth that anything is possible –  and your worldview begins to get smaller.  And the smaller it gets, the more cut off you feel.  And the more cut off you feel, the more you close doors.  And the more you encounter closed doors, the more you begin to experience and believe in a reality defined by your self imposed limitations.  And the more that happens, the harder it becomes for you remember what the world looks like and feels like when anything was possible.

So yes, Dear One, saying I can’t is a very big deal.

Please don’t do so lightly.

On: Changing your past

By |2025-01-04T00:50:08-05:00January 4th, 2025|English|

You want to change your past, Dear One?

You go right on ahead and do it.

Don’t you dare for one minute believe that you can’t.

No, you don’t have the ability to go back in time and change the details, the course of events, the physical acts that took place.

But what you do have the ability to do, is far more powerful than that.

You have the ability to redefine them, to change your perspective of them, to change your relationship to them, to change their significance to you, and to change their meaning and importance in your life today.

On: Restoring balance

By |2025-01-03T02:00:22-05:00January 3rd, 2025|English|

The single most important thing that you can do for yourself in this moment to restore balance, Dear One, is to allow balance to be restored.

How do you do that?
One conscious decision at a time.

Before you take any action, always ask yourself this:

  •  Will this choice, will this behavior, will this meal, will this drink, will this purchase, will this person, will this conversation, will this decision, bring me closer to achieving a state of balance in my life or carry me farther away from it?

If you want to restore balance, Dear One, if that is truly your goal, do this and it will not be long until you are once again experiencing it.

On: Making a difference

By |2025-01-02T00:30:06-05:00January 2nd, 2025|English|

Do you want to make a difference today, Dear One?  Do you want to do something significant, something that really matters?

Take really, really, really, good care of yourself

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