What do you want to know about your soul’s agenda?
On: Just how powerful are you?
Just how powerful are you, Dear one?
That is something that only you can decide.
On: The learning curve
When you are learning to do something new, Dear One, either by choice or by necessity, you always have options available to you for how you are going to proceed:
- You can choose to resist and proceed with frustration, resentment, impatience, and regret for the task at hand
- You can choose to allow, and proceed with excitement, curiosity, hope, and an open mind as you approach the challenge before you
You can choose to focus on the work, effort and energy that will be required of you, or you can choose to focus on the many new doors that will open for you a result.
Just a little reminder today to pay attention to which direction are you leaning as you are making your way around the bends.
On: Timing
Your life will change the moment that you do, Dear One.
And not a moment before.
On: A reason not to shut down
Only an open heart can heal, Dear One.
On: How you spend your time
- No one can take it from you.
- No one can spend it for you.
- What you do with it is totally and completely up to you.
We know that it doesn’t always feel that way, but it is that way.
If you don’t like the way yours is being spent, do something about it.
You’re the only one who can.
On: Surviving the storm
When you are in a place where you can recognize that your ability to see, and think, and perceive clearly has been impaired, Dear One, stop.
Just sit down, right where you are, and be still.
Trying to fix it, pushing more clouded, chaotic energy out into the world when you are in this place, is only going to contribute to the spinning, to the racing, to the whirlwind that is blowing all around you, impairing your vision.
Stop and be still; let the winds die down a bit, let the dust settle. And wait for your vision to clear, before you take one. more. step.
Somedays the most valuable thing that you can do for yourself, and those around you, is to stop, and be perfectly still.
Sometimes, the biggest, most important, and challenging task on your to-do list, is to do nothing.
On: The rules
- You are not allowed to be shallow.
- You are not allowed to be cruel.
- You are not allowed to be offended.
- You are not allowed to hate.
- You are not allowed to run away.
- You are not allowed to hold a grudge.
- You are not allowed to tell a lie.
Who made up these rules anyway, Dear One?
Was it you? It was certainly not us.
Not one of these things are true you know.
You are allowed to indulge in each and every one them if you should choose to do so.
But recognize that is a choice, Dear One. And whenever you make a choice, we want you to do so consciously, intentionally, ready to take full responsibility for the impact of that choice on yourself, on others and on the world around you.
What you put out there is what comes back to you. That is a universal law.
Do, be, or say anything that you would like. You have our permission. You are allowed. But do so with full awareness of the fact that with every choice that you make you are establishing a point of attraction for yourself, you are extending an invitation out to the universe to send you back an energetic match.
So, yes, you are allowed to do anything that you would like. But now that you understand the rules, Dear One, are you sure you still want to?
On: What’s wrong with the world
If you want to know what’s wrong with the world, Dear One, and your response to the anger is anger, to the outrage is outrage, to the violence is violence, and to the hatred is hatred, you should know that regardless of how good your intentions are, that you need not look any further than yourself to find the answer.
On: This one’s just for you
Please keep front of mind today, Dear One, all day, that you are here to live YOUR life.
You are here to have a very personal and unique experience of being YOU.
Your singular purpose for being alive is to live YOUR life, YOUR way, connected to YOUR source, creating what only YOU can, as only YOU can do it.
You are absolutely not here to follow, mimic, emulate or become more like anyone else. Or to be liked, loved, accepted, admired, respected, or adored by anyone but YOU.
Got it?
On: Your devine schedule
There is no divine schedule, Dear One.
- There is only you and your journey.
- You and your experiences.
- You and your relationships.
- You and your attitude, choices, behaviors, patterns, and beliefs.
You are not late. You are not behind. You do not have to hurry to catch up. You did not miss your chance. And you most definitely did not get it wrong.
How much stress, how much pressure, how much disappointment do you think you could eliminate from your life, right now, by choosing to believe us, by choosing to believe that what we are telling you is true?
Breathe easy, Dear One. You are right where you need to be.
And you are right on time.