On: How it’s done

By |2024-06-24T00:55:46-04:00June 24th, 2024|English|

Take a moment, Dear One, to feel the beating of your heart.

It is the energy of the universe that is powering it don’t you know.

It is the vibration/the energy of your spirit that is powering your heart, that is rushing the blood through your veins, that is moving the air through your lungs, that is animating you in this physical reality.

Your soul/spirit powers you just like your creative energy powers the world around you.

That is why creation is considered a sacred act, Dear One.  Because when you create, when you expel your energy out into the world, you are breathing life into it, you are animating the universe, keeping it alive.

Spirit and physical realities need each other to exist.  We power and empower each other, Dear One.

This is how spirit perpetuates itself.

On: Where you belong

By |2024-06-22T23:21:14-04:00June 22nd, 2024|English|

Do you want to know where you belong, Dear One?

You belong in a place that makes you happy.  You belong with people that you love, and that love you.  You belong wherever it is that you feel strong, supported, powerful, and creative.  You belong where you feel encouraged, inspired, and energized, hopeful, courageous, accepted and safe.

That is where you belong, Dear One.

If, when you look around you, you find that you are not in a place like this, then perhaps it is time for you to acknowledge that where you are, might not be the right place for you.

On: Claiming your independence

By |2024-06-21T23:36:05-04:00June 21st, 2024|English|

The realization that you are bound by nothing, Dear One, except for the limitations that you place on yourself, your beliefs, your choices, and your own imagination – that is what true independence is.

On: No cursing

By |2024-06-20T23:19:21-04:00June 20th, 2024|English|

Celebrate, embrace, and take advantage of the contrasts in your life, Dear One, don’t curse them. They are a gift.

Without them you would have absolutely no way of judging just how far you’ve come or in which direction you need to be headed.

On: Faking it

By |2024-06-19T23:56:30-04:00June 19th, 2024|English|

Don’t help because you think that you should, Dear One – because you think that someone is watching – because you think it is the right thing to do – because you feel pity, fear, guilt or obligation.

Help because you want to.  Help because it feels good to you to do so.

Remember, what you put out there is what you get back.

  • If you put out insincerity – insincerity is what you will get back.
  • If you put out resentment – resentment is what you will get back.
  • If you put out bitterness – bitterness is what you will get back.

If you don’t mean it Dear One – do yourself a favor, and don’t do it.


  •  If you put out hope –
  • If you put out generosity –
  • If you put out compassion –
  • If you put out joy  –
  • If you put out love –

Well, you get the idea.

Don’t fake it, Dear One.

Choose a different attitude instead, and then help.

On: Sustainability

By |2024-06-19T00:28:28-04:00June 19th, 2024|English|

Do you want to know which of your relationships are sustainable, Dear One, and which are not?

If you do, ask yourself this question:

  • At its core, is the connection one that is based on a foundation of growth, or one of attachment?

One of the two is sustainable, and the other is not.

It’s just that simple.

But remember this; that letting go of the attachment does not necessarily mean letting go of the relationship.  It could mean that.  But it could also be the start of something new, something different, something really great.

On: Making the tough choice

By |2024-06-18T01:29:17-04:00June 18th, 2024|English|

If it comes down to having to choose, Dear One, between them and you, always choose them.

Always choose them, and you will know what being unloved, what believing yourself to be unworthy of love feels like.

Always choose you, and you’ll never have to know, you’ll never have to experience that pain again.



On: Forgiveness, simplified

By |2024-06-17T01:49:35-04:00June 17th, 2024|English|

We want to make this as simple for you as we possibly can, Dear One.

Forgiveness has absolutely, positively, nothing whatsoever to do with them.

It is simply the act of releasing your connection to something that no longer serves you,  releasing your bond with something that you no longer want to remain connected to.

It is letting go of the rope, removing your hand from the hot stove, exiting the burning building.

On: You’re surrounded

By |2024-06-16T00:10:35-04:00June 16th, 2024|English|

You are a profoundly powerful, divine spiritual being, Dear One.

And you are surrounded each and every day by profoundly powerful, divine spiritual beings.

Some of them may know it. Some of them may be aware of their divinity, and some of them may not. But their level of awareness does not change who or what they are. The only thing that knowing changes is their  personal experience of that truth.

But you can know it, Dear One. You can choose to see and trust and acknowledge their divinity, even if they can’t.

And while knowing may not have any impact on them, Dear One, on their experience of you, you can be sure that knowing will have a deep and profound impact on your experience of them. And truth be told, that is all we are really concerned with at this time — teaching you, helping you, guiding you towards improving your experience of the world around you and all of the people in it.

You are living a life surrounded by spirit, Dear One, seeped in the divine.

All you need to do to begin to benefit from this reality, is to acknowledge it.

On: The match game

By |2024-06-14T23:16:35-04:00June 14th, 2024|English|

How well do you think your choices match up with your desires, Dear One?

Let’s find out!

  • If you want more joy in your life, are you making choices that make you feel joyful?
  • If you want more freedom, are you making choices that make you feel free?
  • If you want more abundance, are you making choices that make you feel abundant?
  • If you want more peace, are you making choices that make you feel peaceful?
  • If you want more love, are you making choices that make you feel loved (and yes, self love counts, a lot)?

So, how’d you do?!

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