On: Being comfortable

By |2023-10-06T00:33:48-04:00October 5th, 2023|English|

Our words are not always going to be comforting, Dear One, because comfortable is not what is always going to serve you best.

(But they will always be supportive, encouraging, optimistic and filled with unconditional love.) 

Joy is not rooted in comfort.  Joy is rooted in movement, in progress, in forward motion, and most importantly, in growth.

Think about your greatest moments of joy Dear One.  Think about where they came from. Did they originate out of comfort, from comfortable circumstances, or from something else?

It is not our job, our goal, or our intention to make you feel comfortable.

It is our honor, our pleasure, our delight to help you grow, to learn, to acquire knowledge, to move forward, to make progress and experience as much joy as you possibly can.

And making you feel comfortable has very little to do with that.

On: Daily Stretching

By |2023-10-04T22:57:41-04:00October 4th, 2023|English|

You did not come forth into the cutting edge of reality, Dear One, onto the cutting edge of thought, creation, of all that is to stand still. Did you?

You did not come into being at this time, in this place, to stay put, to play it safe, to experience as little growth, movement, change and expansion as you possibly could. Right?

Just something for you to keep in mind while you are making up your mind about what it is you are going to do today.

On: Opening Doors

By |2023-10-03T22:36:38-04:00October 3rd, 2023|English|

There is no such thing as impossible, Dear One.  There are only those things that you have not yet seen come to pass.

There is a HUGE difference between Never and Not Yet.

Practice saying “Not Uet” instead of “Never” and your whole perspective of the world, of what’s possible, will change.

Never closes doors, Dear One.

Not Yet blows them wide open.

On: The possibility of change

By |2023-10-02T23:38:34-04:00October 2nd, 2023|English|

If you want to experience real change in your life, Dear One, change.

Make a different choice, take a different route, try a different approach, eat a different breakfast.

If you don’t know how to do that, if you don’t know what to change to make things better, ask for help.

If you don’t know who to ask, if you don’t know who to turn to, ask us, through prayer, mediation or even email.  Whatever works best for you.

But know, Dear One, that no matter what, if you are ready to choose it, change is always available to you.

On: Believing is seeing

By |2023-10-01T22:31:28-04:00October 1st, 2023|English|

If you continue to insist on holding on to the belief that who you are is not enough, Dear One, that who you are is less than that which anyone else is,  life will go right on proving to you that you right.

On: Understanding obstacles

By |2023-10-01T00:25:48-04:00October 1st, 2023|English|

“Obstacles” don’t exist, Dear One, to test you, harm you, inhibit you, or throw you off course.  Their purpose is not to challenge you, mess with you, piss you off, or annoy and frustrate you.

Truth is, Dear One, that what you perceive as obstacles are simply aspects of reality that you have either A) never encountered before or B) that you have just not figured out how to handle, manage, or engage with yet, in productive ways.

For example, fire, Dear One, is not an obstacle that is put in someone’s path to burn then.  It is simply another reality of your physical world. If you were to encounter it for the first time, without knowing what it was, it could appear dangerous, and it could cause you and those around you great harm.  When approached without understanding and skill, about what it is, its properties, and how to best interact with it, (and how best not to) it can be a significant threat.

But fire is not a challenge, Dear Child, it is not an obstacle; it is a tool, an element, an energy, that when understood, holds great potential for those who become knowledgeable about what it is and how it works, and learn how to interact with it and use it, safely.

Try and see all of the other elements, the obstacles in your life, Dear One, in the same light, in the same vein, with the same curiosity, and your whole world might begin to feel a bit less treacherous, and a lot more promising, manageable, and full of potential.


On: Who’s better than you?

By |2023-09-30T00:23:47-04:00September 30th, 2023|English|

The only thing that makes their path more significant than yours, their contributions more valuable than yours, their successes more important than yours, their accomplishments more meaningful than yours, Dear One, is you deeming it so.

Nothing more.

On: Stretched too thin

By |2023-09-28T22:26:44-04:00September 28th, 2023|English|

If with one hand you are reaching back, Dear One, holding on to things in your past, and with the other you are reaching out ahead of you, holding on to a vision of your future, is it any wonder that you feel like you are being stretched too thin in the here and now?

You should know, that which is for your greatest good, is and will always be, in the present moment.

The tradition of joining both hands together at your heart for prayer, for meditation, for your daily practice, is meant to be a reminder of this for you.

Be. Here. Now.

On: Authenticity

By |2023-09-27T23:47:31-04:00September 27th, 2023|English|

Speak up, Dear One.  Speak up clearly and speak up often.  Speak your truth every chance that you get, in words and in deeds.  Be true to your heart, to who you are, to your feelings, your beliefs, and your desires, every second of every minute of every day if you can.

The effects of authenticity are cumulative.

The more you practice it, the more you will see it reflected back to you in the world around you.


On: Our promise

By |2023-09-27T01:52:13-04:00September 27th, 2023|English|

We promise you, Dear One, that everything will be ok, that you will never be without us, that there is no limit to what is possible for you, that inspiration is divine guidance and that following it will never lead you astray, that you will always be beautiful in the eyes of spirit, that you will be loved for all of eternity, that there is always an answer, that you are never trapped, that you can heal from anything, that nothing lasts forever, that if you can imagine it you can create it, and that we always keep our promises.

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