On: Absolutes

By |2023-08-17T22:12:12-04:00August 17th, 2023|English|

The trouble, Dear One is that you think that you live in a world of absolutes. And you don’t. The world does not work that way. There are no absolutes in life – except one.

The one thing that you can always absolutely rely on is the fact that you will always have a choice. Always, always, always do you have options, in every single situation. Every one – without fail.

Whenever you feel frustrated, helpless, trapped or as if you are moving in the wrong direction – stop and remind yourself that there are choices available to you in that moment. If the thoughts that you are thinking are not bringing you joy – choose different ones. If the company that you are keeping is not pleasurable for you – change it. If you have set standards for yourself that you consistently find yourself falling short of, and feeling badly about, change them.

It can be just that simple, Dear One, if you choose to allow it to be so.

On: When to stay away

By |2023-08-17T11:36:52-04:00August 16th, 2023|English|

If you are feeling badly, Dear One, because they are hurting, if you are feeling sad for them, if you are hurting for them, feeling their pain, and wanting desperately to help in any way that you possibly can, our advice to you is this – DON’T.

Don’t try to help. Don’t try to fix it. Don’t try to make it all better. Don’t start looking for answers. Don’t try to come up with brilliant solutions. Just don’t.

Here’s what to do instead.

Focus on feeling good. Focus on feeling better. Focus on whatever it is that you need to focus on to release your sadness for them and come back into alignment with your higher self, with your connected self, with your confident, all knowing, and joyous self that has absolutely no doubt at all whatsoever that everything is going to work out for the best.

Once you do that, Dear One, once you are in a place where your vision of what’s possible is stronger than your vision of what is, then, and only then will you be in a position to help in a way that will make a significant difference.

On: Is it worth the sacrifice?

By |2023-08-15T23:17:15-04:00August 15th, 2023|English|

If you want to live a different life, Dear One, if you want to live the life of your dreams, you can. But you should know that it will come at a cost.  Sacrifices are going to have to be made.

You are going to have to sacrifice the old vision that you have had of yourself, the old story that you have been telling about yourself, the old limitations that you have been holding onto, the old patterns that you have been maintaining, the old heartaches that you have been nursing, the old hurts that you have been hanging on to.

Will it be difficult?

It could be.

Will it be worth it?


On: The choice is yours

By |2023-08-13T23:36:27-04:00August 13th, 2023|English|

What thoughts would you like dominating your thinking today, Dear One?

  • Thoughts of joy, love, trust, abundance, excitement, optimism, confidence or possibility?
  • Thoughts of failure, fear, lack, hurt, sadness, anger, dread, self loathing or limitation?

Just a reminder that the choice, as always, is yours.

On: What could be more important?

By |2023-08-12T23:46:16-04:00August 12th, 2023|English|

  • Are you loving your body?
  • Are you treating it with respect?
  • Are you feeding it well?
  • Are you speaking to it kindly?
  • Are you keeping it fit?
  • Are you making it strong?
  • Are you taking really good care of it each and every day?

If your answer to any of these questions is anything other than yes, Dear One, we would be remiss if we didn’t ask you, what could possibly be more important?

On: Them or Me

By |2023-08-12T00:16:55-04:00August 11th, 2023|English|

How do you decide, Dear One?

To begin with, you start by first recognizing that this is not actually the right question to be asking.

Those are not actually the two options that you are choosing between when you are struggling to figure out which is more important in the moment; taking care of their needs, or taking care of your own.

It is not actually a choice between Them or Me that you are trying to make.

It is a choice between Me or Not Me.

And if you want to know which is the right choice, which choice will always serve THE greatest good, which choice will always serve YOUR greatest good, (which are both always one and the same) we will tell you.

It will always be to choose ME.

Because choosing Not Me can never serve the whole in any positive way.

Making this choice has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with being selfish.


On: Being lost in the woods

By |2023-08-10T09:56:08-04:00August 10th, 2023|English|

That which is for your greatest good today is to proceed gently, remembering to always act mindfully.

Nothing is guaranteed in this life, Dear One.

We wish we could tell you that you are now “out of the woods”, or when exactly you will be “out of the woods”, but we cannot. And that is because the truth is that you are never actually ever going to be “out of the woods”.

But think, act, behave consciously, awake, aware, bringing connection, light, and intention to all that you do, and you will never find yourself lost in a dark woods again.

Remember, Dear One, you bring the light you seek.

You are the light!



On: Your learning curve

By |2023-08-08T23:33:58-04:00August 8th, 2023|English|

You are meant to know more today than you did yesterday, Dear One.   Don’t punish yourself for that which you did not know before – praise yourself for that which you do know now.

And remember that this holds true for those around you as well.  They too are in the process of learning.  They too will know more tomorrow than they do today.  While you are practicing acceptance and forgiveness of yourself as you learn Dear One, remember to practice it for those around you as well.

Don’t fault each other for that which you have not yet learned– Help each other to learn all that you can.

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