On: Self-neglect

By |2023-02-27T22:28:47-05:00February 27th, 2023|English|

Taking care of yourself, Dear One; caring for your physical, emotional, and energetic body, allowing yourself to experience joy, to feel good, to be happy, healthy, and at ease, maintaining your connection to source, well-being, spirit, light, God, whatever you choose to call it, is one of the most powerful acts of self-care that there is.

And anything that you do, say, create, engage in, or give your attention to that does not honor, maintain, or strengthen that connection, in our eyes, is an act of self-neglect.

On: Asking for guidance

By |2023-02-26T23:12:48-05:00February 26th, 2023|English|

You are not lacking guidance, Dear One. That you’ve got in spades.

What you are lacking is the confidence in yourself to believe it when you hear it – to trust it – to act on it.

Instead of asking for, searching for, seeking out more guidance – allow yourself to be courageous enough to act on that which you already know to be true.

Confirmation comes with action, Dear One. You’ll never know for sure until you try.

On: Problem solving

By |2023-02-25T23:17:18-05:00February 25th, 2023|English|

Sometimes the best solution to a problem, Dear One, is to simply allow yourself to forget that it exists at all.

Give all of your attention to that which is wanted, to that which is desired, to that which makes you feel good, great, or giddy with delight and let all of the rest fade away.

When you do, you will discover that one of two things will happen:

  1. That once you’ve move on from it, once you’ve let it go, that your problem too will let go of you.
  2. That all that you need to solve it, that the solution that you have been looking for, will be there waiting for you when you arrive in that better feeling place.

On: Getting to know you

By |2023-06-06T22:03:55-04:00February 24th, 2023|English|

Do you want to know one of the best ways for you to get to know yourself better, Dear One?

Slow down, put in the effort, take the time, and get to know them better.

Find out who they really are, what they feel, think, and believe, why they do what they do, why they say what they say.

Make every interaction really personal.

By taking the time to get to know who they really are, instead of spending your time with some superficial version of who you think they really are, you will  be tapping  into a wealth of information about yourself.

Your feelings about them, your reactions to them, and your responses to the real them, will reveal a lot to you, about you.

On: Coming home

By |2023-02-23T23:37:06-05:00February 23rd, 2023|English|

It is a glorious thing, Dear One to walk in your own shoes, along your own path, that you have laid out for yourself.  There is nothing else like it – that feeling of being right where you want to be.  It is the perfect fit – It is coming home.

Experience has taught you that when you trust yourself and rely on your own inner guidance, intuition, wisdom and hunches to lead you, that you travel in a direction that is conducive to achieving your goals, desires, wishes.   Experience has also taught you that when you ignore your own instincts and blindly follow the advice, guidance and direction of others, regardless of what your heart is telling you, that you end up moving away from those things that you truly want most for yourself.

Know this — it won’t always be a struggle for you to trust yourself, to know which way your heart is leading you.  With time, patience and practice, practice, practice, you will learn and before you know it, the sound of your own heart will be the loudest one in your head.

When you trust yourself, Dear One, enough to always let your own heart have the final say before you take action, you will come to know first hand what it means when someone says home is right where you are, home is where the heart is.

Trust yourself, Dear One and you will be home.

On: Creating change

By |2023-02-23T00:27:31-05:00February 23rd, 2023|English|

  • Pray for it
  • Visualize it
  • Imagine it
  • Feel it
  • Look for it
  • Enthusiastically anticipate its arrival

All of these are very sound and powerful steps for you to take when you are working on manifesting change in your life, Dear One.

But it is important for you to know that these steps are conditional.

In order for any of these to work with any level of effectiveness, you must first do one very important thing: Make the decision with absolute certainty that you are ready and willing to change – your thoughts, your actions, your behaviors, your relationships, your boundaries, your belief in what’s possible, your belief in yourself and your belief in what you are capable of.

You can’t stay rooted exactly where you are, doing exactly what you have done, thinking exactly what you have thought, feeling exactly what you have felt,  and expect to manifest change in your life, regardless of how badly you want it.

Transformation can only occur when you allow it to occur, Dear One.

On: Your divine schedule

By |2023-02-22T00:28:19-05:00February 22nd, 2023|English|

There is no divine schedule, Dear One.

  • There is only you and your journey.
  • You and your experiences.
  • You and your relationships.
  • You and your attitude, choices, behaviors, patterns, and beliefs.

You are not late. You are not behind.  You do not have to hurry to catch up.  You did not miss your chance.  And you most definitely did not get it wrong.

How much stress, how much pressure, how much disappointment do you think you could eliminate from your life, right now, by choosing to believe us, by choosing to believe that what we are telling you is true?

Breathe easy, Dear One.  You are right where you need to be.

And you are right on time.

On: Why risk it?

By |2023-02-20T23:39:20-05:00February 20th, 2023|English|

It only feels as if you are risking something by stepping out into the unknown, Dear One – going somewhere that you have never gone before, trying something that you have never tried before.

But the truth is that there is no safer place that you could possibly be than on the edge of something new, in the process of creation.

Resistance causes risk Dear One.  Fear, hesitation, uncertainty, and doubt, all serve to pinch off the flow of source energy into your life.  Trust, creativity, connection, and creation, all serve to open it up.

So basically, what we are telling you is that holding back, hesitation, doubt, resistance, and fear are far greater sources of risk for you in your life than trying something new ever would be, ever could be.

So why take the risk?

Because standing on the edge of something new, be-ing the process of creation, is the safest place that you could ever possibly be.

On: Abundance

By |2023-02-19T22:17:03-05:00February 19th, 2023|English|

Abundance is a mindset, Dear One, not a physical state of being.

  • It is something you allow, not something you acquire.
  • It is something you experience, not something you have.
  • It is the veil through which you see, feel, and interact with the world around you.

Abundance is a way of life – and it has no limits.

That’s why when you take notice of those that seem to have acquired it, there is no apparent end to their good fortune, to their wealth, to their success, to what they can have, do, or be.

And there is a very good reason for that, Dear One — It’s because there isn’t one.

If your goal, your desire, your objective in this life, is acquire a great deal of anything, abundance will always elude you.

The path to abundance, to more joy, success, love, wealth, comfort, health, to more anything, to more everything, is not a path of accumulation – but  a path of release.

And the truth is that the more you let go, of your limits, of limiting thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors, the more abundant you will be.

On: Your marching orders

By |2023-02-18T23:21:32-05:00February 18th, 2023|English|

Make feeling good the order of the day today, Dear One.

And make all of your decisions accordingly.

If, for some reason, from where you are now, moving towards feeling good feels like too much of a stretch, then make  feeling better your goal instead.

But in either case remember, that the direction that you move in will be the direction that you choose, with your thoughts, words, actions, and beliefs.

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