On: A deceptively simple request
Embrace change today, Dear One.
(Do not resist it.)
That is all.
Are you up for the challenge?
Embrace change today, Dear One.
(Do not resist it.)
That is all.
Are you up for the challenge?
Create from an angry, frustrated, stressed out, fearful place, Dear One, and no matter how hard you work, how hard you try, how good your intentions are, the very best that you are ever going to be able to do is create more of the same.
You can’t make an apple pie with peaches.
Make sense?
You are a powerful creator, Dear One.
You can choose to believe it or you can choose not to believe it.
Whatever you decide, you should know that your decision will not impact the reality of who and what you really are, only your experience of it.
So what’s it going to be?
Are you going to choose to live your life as a powerful creator that knows it or as one that does not?
Don’t fight your heart, Dear One, follow it.
Lay down your sword.
There are some battles that are just not worth winning.
We can feel your impatience, Dear One, your restlessness, your desire to move on from where you are now, to someplace new, to where you want to be.
We can see you searching, looking, trying, struggling, experimenting, stumbling around looking for the key to the door that you think will get you there.
Well, we’ve got some bad news for you. No matter where you look, no matter how hard you try, no matter much you visualize it, no matter how much you want it, you are never going to find that key, Dear One. Ever.
Because it doesn’t exist.
The door is already open.
All you need to do is walk through it.
The best thing that you can do for yourself right this minute, Dear One, is to take a deep breath, clear your head, make a conscious connection with your heart, allow the smile to rise to your lips, and trust what it is telling you.
Do yourself a favor, Dear One, and stop trying to do the right thing all the time.
Trust us. The right thing is not what you want to be doing anyway.
Figuring out what is “right” requires you to be judgmental. It requires you to look at a person, an event, a situation, and judge it as right or wrong, instead of just accepting it for what it is.
Judgment only serves to disconnect, to cut you off, to separate you from your greatest source of strength, inspiration, and joy — your connection to all that is.
So today, instead of trying to do the right thing Dear One, why not do better than that for yourself, and do the loving thing, the compassionate thing, the honorable thing, the generous thing, the kind thing, or the joyful thing instead?
You are never alone, Dear One.
You are always being guided.
You will never be forgotten.
You will always be forgiven.
How long does change take, Dear One?
That depends.
How long does change take, Dear One?
You tell us.
Do you ever wonder, Dear One, how it came to be exactly that you have such a low opinion of yourself when it comes to…… (you fill in the blank)?
We can tell you.
It is because at some point in time you decided to believe that your worth or value was determined by the look that you saw in someone else’s eyes, or the words you heard spoken from someone else’s lips.
Somewhere along the line, you came to believe that the truth of things was determined not by you, but by those around you. And you decided to give more weight to their criticism, judgment, an opinions than to your own.
But good news! There is a quick remedy to that, Dear One.
Stop looking in their eyes to determine your worth. Stop listening to their words to hear your value.
Know that you are a divine spirit whose appearance, intelligence, creative abilities, potential, contributions, opinions, accomplishments and achievements are beautiful, valuable and significant, regardless of what they think.
It is not a matter of opinion, Dear One, it is a fact.
Now all you have to do, is believe it.