On: Being present

By |2013-12-12T00:36:30-05:00December 12th, 2013|English|

The world needs you in the present moment Dear One.

Your friends and love ones need you in the present.

Your physical body needs you in the present.

And we need you in the present – as that will always be our strongest point of connection.

The past is over Dear One.   There is nothing more for you to do there.  There is nothing more you can do there.

Join us here, won’t you?

On: Being loved

By |2013-12-10T23:55:43-05:00December 10th, 2013|English|

You want to be loved Dear One, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Everyone wants to be, wants to feel, wants to know, that they are truly loved.  You are far from alone in your desire.

But here is the thing about this one particular desire that can make fulfilling it feel so challenging at times – you are already loved Dear One – truly, deeply, madly, eternally.

  • You can choose to believe it, or not
  • You can choose to acknowledge it, or not
  • You can choose to feel it, or not

That’s up to you.  But either way, there will never come a time when you are not loved.

Once you believe it, accept it, know it, and trust in it, you will begin to attract more experiences into your life that will reinforce your belief.  You will begin to attract more people, circumstances, and events that will prove it to you, demonstrate it to you, and help you to experience it more fully.

You can’t doubt that you loved Dear One, and attract evidence to the contrary at the same time.  Trust us and believe that you are, and it won’t take long before you to forget why you ever doubted it in the first place.



Tema: Ciclos

By |2013-12-09T00:27:58-05:00December 9th, 2013|Español|

Sabemos que la salida del sol es parte de un ciclo. La caida del sol es la continuación de ese mismo ciclo. No nos preguntamos si el sol saldra al día siguiente. Contamos con que el sol saldrá y actuamos de acuerdo.

Hay también ciertos ciclos en tu vida que occurren y que se repiten, vez tras ves tras otra vez. Observa tus ciclos. Son ciclos de amor?

prosperidad? amistad?

Cuando el sol se pone tu te adaptas a esa parte de ese ciclo del sol.

Has aprendido a aceptar y adaptarte a los periodos de oscuridad. Y por lo tanto te comportas de manera diferente en la luz que en la oscuridad.

Toma nota de como te adaptas a la luz y la oscuridad en los otros ciclos de tu vida.

Trata de no preocuparte que pasen. Las cosas siempre cambiarán una y otra vez. Puedes pelearlo, temerlo, resistirlo, odiarlo o puedes sonreirle, aceptarlo y adaptarte con la expectativa positiva y hermosa de la proxima salida del sol, y al mismo tiempo sabiendo que las cosas cambiaran muchas veces mas. Tu elijirás cual opción prefieres.

On: Believing is seeing

By |2013-12-09T00:24:09-05:00December 9th, 2013|English|

If you continue to insist on holding on to the belief that who you are is not enough Dear One, that who you are is less than that which anyone else is,  life will go right on proving to you that you right.

On: The mechanics of an apology

By |2013-12-08T00:55:38-05:00December 8th, 2013|English|

  • You cannot undo that which has been done
  • You cannot change a moment in the past
  • You cannot take back words once they have been spoken
  • You cannot always fix it

But you can always apologize Dear One.

An apology is meant to serve as a diffuser, an acknowledgment of regret, an opportunity for forgiveness, to allow the release of the hurt feelings created as a result of hurtful act, whether it was intentional or not.

But before it can have any chance of successfully doing any of these things, it is necessary that you first forgive yourself.

It is essential that you first release the pain, the sorrow, the guilt, the regret that you are holding onto within you.  It is essential  that you find a way to let it go, and open up, and heal that space within you so that you can show them how its done, show them what it looks like to do so, have room in your heart to share with them Dear One, to help give them the strength to do the same.

We understand that what we are asking is not an easy thing to do.

But remember, that what you are asking them to do is even more difficult than that.

How can you even think of asking them to do this very difficult thing, to accept your apology, to consider forgiveness Dear One, if you are not willing to do the very difficult work necessary to forgive yourself first.


On: Your little bag of tricks

By |2013-12-07T00:39:40-05:00December 7th, 2013|English|

Just a reminder of what you’ve got inside Dear One.

  • Choice is your gift
  • Consciousness is your cure
  • Your heart is your guide
  • Thoughts are your fuel
  • Desire is your driver
  • Love is your pleasure
  • Happiness is your choice

They are all already yours Dear One.

Now all you’ve got to do is remember to pull them out and use them when needed.

On: Getting back on track

By |2013-12-06T00:56:40-05:00December 6th, 2013|English|

Do just one thing at a time Dear one, joyously, with an open heart and an open mind, and you will be right back on track – aligned with your life’s mission – to complete nothing and experience everything.


On: Can you trust them?

By |2013-12-03T23:36:19-05:00December 3rd, 2013|English|

Don’t ask us if you can trust them Dear One.

Our answer will never satisfy you, and you know it.

When it comes the question of trust, the most important answer will always be yours, to the question, Do you trust you?

If you don’t trust yourself, their trust will always be in question for you.

And the only way to get better at trusting yourself Dear One, is to practice.

Why not start today.




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