On: Sharing the burden
Don’t help them to carry their burden Dear One.
If you want to be useful, help them to put it down instead.
Don’t help them to carry their burden Dear One.
If you want to be useful, help them to put it down instead.
Este día no requiere que seas genial o gracioso o ingenioso o encantador o delgado. Este día solo requiere que hagas lo mejor que puedas. Y eso no quiere decir que seas mejor que otros o mejor de lo que eras antes.
Quiere decir que hagas lo mejor que puedas hoy. Simplemente larga y permítete la libertad de ser quien verdareramente eres. Lo sabras al notar como te sientes. Haz lo que quieras hacer naturalmente, usando tu mejor criterio, todo lo que has aprendido para llegar a este sitio. El vivir en el momento no quiere decir abandonar todo sentido de la realidad. Quiere decir que uno usa su realidad para crear una realidad nueva – una mejor realidad para ti y para otros. No tiene nada que ver con bien o mal, mejor o peor, el exito o el fracaso. Y nunca lo ha tenido. Simplemente se trata del viaje, la experiencia, la aventura. Al verlo te daras cuenta que lo mejor que puedes hacer es ser ti mismo.
When is it that you typically start thinking about quitting Dear One?
What we have witnessed is that it is usually when you find yourself in a situation/experiencing something, that makes you feel as if you are not succeeding, as if you are failing.
You typically want to quit when you think that you can’t finish, win or cope, or when you do not see enough evidence of success.
Well you should know Dear One, that the only time that you will ever find evidence of failure, or of a lack of success, is when you go looking for it.
So don’t!
What kind of life do you want to live Dear One?
Do your thoughts, words, actions, values, beliefs and attitude align with your desires?
If they don’t, do you think that perhaps you could pay closer attention to your choices and make the necessary adjustments so that they do?
There is nothing more exciting, fulfilling or empowering Dear One, then identifying a desire and then choosing your way into alignment with it.
And there is nothing that we would love more than to see you have that experience.
It is only scary before you try Dear One, before you know.
If you want to move past the fear, you’re going to have to do it and find out.
Don’t try harder Dear One.
Try more joyfully.
Remember Dear One, you don’t have to choose to go with their flow, to get caught up in their energy, to move to their rhythm, to dance to their beat, to take part in their story.
You can if you want to!
You can choose to participate, to get swept up in, to interact with, and respond to it if you would like. And Dear One — and this is so very important that we want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you next, ok? Here it goes.
You can also choose not to.
When you see they are hurting, when you see they are struggling, when you see they are lost, confused or in pain and want to help, but don’t know how — Love them Dear One.
There is no more useful thing that you can do.
We know that sometimes love does not seem like enough, but trust us, it is.
Love heals. Love inspires. Love transforms. Love can do a great many things.
See them as well. See them as whole. See them as prosperous. See them as confident. See them healed. See them as the person that they want to be. Hold an image of them in your mind and in your heart of them that they are not yet able to hold for themselves.
You can’t give your attention to their pain, to their struggle, to their problem and help to be a part of the solution Dear One.
If you really want to help, if you really want to make a difference, just keep loving them.
It truly is the best and most useful thing that you can do, for them and for you.
What they think of you does not determine your worth Dear One.
But what you think of you does.
So, what do you think of you?
The energy that creates worlds is within you right now Dear One, flowing to you, flowing through you, flowing from you. Whether you choose to believe it or not, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are swimming in it, interacting with it, creating with it, every minute of every day.
And yet you act as if all is ordinary, unremarkable, unchanging in your world – you behave as if something miraculous is not happening to you, right now.
Well you should know Dear One, that it is.