On: Ratios

By |2014-01-13T00:40:45-05:00January 13th, 2014|English|

You are and will always be more light than you are dark Dear One.

You will always be more spirit/energy than you are physical.

There is more about you that is malleable, flexible, and changeable than is permanent.

There will always be more about you that you can change Dear One, than you can not.


On: Help choosing

By |2014-01-12T00:55:47-05:00January 12th, 2014|English|

The stronger choice, the more powerful choice, will always the one that moves you closer to that which is wanted instead of away from that which is unwanted.

Does that help?

On: Paying the price

By |2014-01-11T00:57:37-05:00January 11th, 2014|English|

We believe that the price of success is joy Dear One.

What do you believe the price of success is?

Because whatever you believe, is what you are going to have to pay to achieve it.

On: It’s hard enough

By |2014-01-10T00:54:58-05:00January 10th, 2014|English|

Everything feels a whole lot harder Dear One, when you tell yourself that you can’t.

Life is hard enough already.  Why add to it.

If for no other reason than that fact that it feels better to do so, why not tell yourself that you can instead.


On: Changing what is

By |2014-01-09T00:39:53-05:00January 9th, 2014|English|

If you don’t like something the way that it is Dear One, don’t try to change it.

That’s right. You heard us correctly.

Don’t try to improve it, fight it, repair it or make it better.

Don’t exert your very valuable energy trying to twist it, turn it, mold it, or fold it into something else, into something new, into something that you want it to be.

Let it be Dear One, just as it is.   Let that which you don’t want be exactly as it is.

Decide to let it go and make the choice to start again with a clean slate, with a new mindset.  Decide to exert your energy, your time, your heart and your soul into creating that which you do want instead of changing that which you do not.

On: Exerting your power

By |2014-01-08T00:16:41-05:00January 8th, 2014|English|

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say Dear One, is I’m sorry.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can be, is forgiving.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do, is let go.





On: Where you belong

By |2014-01-06T23:55:13-05:00January 6th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know where you belong Dear One?

You belong in a place that makes you happy.  You belong with people that you love and that love you.  You belong wherever it is that you feel strong, supported, powerful, and creative.  You belong where you feel encouraged, inspired, and energized, hopeful, courageous, accepted and safe.

That is where you belong Dear One.

If, when you look around you, you find that you are not in a place like this, then perhaps it is time for you to acknowledge that where you are, might not be the right place for you.


Tema: Rendirse

By |2014-01-06T00:38:44-05:00January 6th, 2014|Español|

No hay porque sentirse mal al rendirse. ¿Sabías que esta bien rendirse de vez en cuando? ¿Y que te puede hacer bien? Cuando no tienes nada que perder – cuando dejas de tratar y dejas de resistir lo que es – cuando llagas al punto de darte por vencido – cualquier cosa puede ocurrir, si lo permites. El rendirse no tiene porque ser devastador o indicar que uno es debil. Puede ser intencional, apasionante, hasta una muestra de fortaleza. No te reindas para esperar lo peor. Reindete para esperar lo mejor. Larga el control, el miedo, el remordimiento, la culpabilidad.

Larga la negatividad. Date un descanso. Hoy trata de rendirte y espera lo inesperado.

On: Getting physical

By |2014-01-06T00:34:56-05:00January 6th, 2014|English|

There is a reason that you feel a strong desire for a physical connection with others Dear One, aside from just a longing for sexual gratification — be it through a nudge or a tickle, a handshake or a hug, a kiss, a smack, an intimate embrace, or, of course, through sex.

Do you want to know why that is Dear One?

It is because you all have source within you.  You all have a spark of the divine that exists within your physical bodies, and aside from your connection to it through your own heart, the next closest source of divine energy that is available to you at all times, is each other.



On: Taking charge

By |2014-01-05T00:50:21-05:00January 5th, 2014|English|

There are many things in this world that you can’t control Dear One.

But your thoughts are not one of them.

If the one that you are thinking right now is not pleasing to you, does not feel good, is not causing you joy,  we want to remind you that you can take charge, and choose another.

Some thoughts can be so overwhelming, so all encompassing, so powerful that it can be easy to forget that you are choosing them.

But make no mistake Dear One, you are.





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