On: An Experiment

By |2014-02-10T01:00:07-05:00February 10th, 2014|English|

If you are up for the challenge Dear One, we would like for you to make a commitment to yourself today to only speak your truth and to take notice of how it feels to you to do so.

What does that mean?

  •  That you will remain conscious, that you will think before you speak
  • That you will only answer questions from you heart, and not from habit
  • That you will only say what you really mean, and not what you think they need you to say or expect you to say.

Do you think that this is a silly experiment Dear One, and that you are already living your truth?

We’ll there is one way for you to find out!


On: The Good News and The Good News

By |2014-02-09T00:46:56-05:00February 9th, 2014|English|

First, the Good News:  You are not in control Dear One.   You never have been and you never will be.

Now, The Good News: Control is not what you want.

Control does not heal, Control does not repair.  Control does not restore.  Control does not guide.  Control does not balance.  Control does not love.  Control does not create. Control is not all that it is cracked up to be.

So while you don’t have the ability to be in control Dear One, what you do have is far more valuable, is infinitely more powerful, and that is an unlimited ability to create.

Creativity/the power of creation is the key to happiness, to balance, to endless possibilities Dear One, not control.

So the next time you feel as if things are out of control, don’t fret, don’t worry, don’t wish  and pray that you had control over the situation.  Because that will never happen. Instead try to remember that creativity and not control is what you are in need of, and that you have an unending supply of it available to you at all times.



On: Why things are the way that they are

By |2014-02-07T23:30:22-05:00February 7th, 2014|English|

Things are the way that they are Dear One, because you think the way that you think, because you act the way that you act, because you speak the way that you speak, because you choose the way that you choose, because you live the way that you live.

They are not this way because of anything that we have done to you.

And they are not this way because of anything that they have done to you either.

We hope that this news comes as a relief for you Dear One, because what it means is that if you don’t like things the way that they are, it is well within your power to change them.

On: Having a little fun

By |2014-02-07T00:57:13-05:00February 7th, 2014|English|

Are you ready to have a little fun today Dear One?

If your answer is YES, then keep an eye out, because in making that decision you have just triggered a shift in your mind, in your heart, in your body, in your expectations of the day, and that shift has triggered a shift in your  emotions, in your energy, in your spirit, and in the world around you, and the universe has already responded to that shift by shifting itself to bring you what you want, and as a result, opportunities for fun are already on their way to you!

All that is left for you to do is to remember to choose them when they get here.

If your answer is No Dear One,  its not to late, there is still time for you to change your mind.

Tema: Flotar vs. Ahogarse

By |2014-02-04T22:59:58-05:00February 4th, 2014|Español|

Suelta lo que no necesitas, lo que te hace sentir mal o incómodo….los exesos de tu vida que te pesan y te bajan. Guarda lo que te insipra, lo que te ilumina, lo que te pone de buen humor, lo que te ayuda a cambiar de perspectiva. Sabras la diferencia por como te sientes. Te abristes para recibir y al hacerlo te tragastes un tanto de agua salada. A veces ocurre. No te aflijas. En vez de cerrarte, practica como experienciar el nadar, no el agua. Vez la diferencia? Con uno flotas, con el otro te ahogas. A medida que aprendes, trátate bien. No te preocupes por lo que tendrías que hacer o podrías haber hecho. Eso te ahogará mas aún. Avanza de donde estés con confianza y fé, y flota.

On: Committed Relationships

By |2014-02-04T00:58:07-05:00February 4th, 2014|English|

Yes Dear One, being in a committed relationship is absolutely essential to living a happy life.

If you are not already in one, we suggest that you get yourself into one ASAP.

We want to see you make an authentic, joyful, loving, passionate, compassionate, forgiving, life long commitment to someone …. yourself.

It will be the most important, sacred and fulfilling commitment that you will ever make Dear One.


On: A tall order

By |2014-02-03T00:56:02-05:00February 3rd, 2014|English|

Trust yourself Dear One.  Trust your heart.  Always.

We know that sometimes that can be a difficult thing for you to do, especially when you feel as though you have sufficient evidence proving that doing so in the past has gotten you into trouble, has steered you in the wrong direction.

But what if we told you, that it just wasn’t true.  What if we told you that all of those experiences that you have had trusting your heart, the ones that did not work out the way that you wanted them to, the way that you thought they would, had in fact turned out exactly the way that you needed them to.

What if we told you that?

Your heart always, always, always knows Dear One.

Trusting it will always, always, always serve you better than not trusting it ever will.


On: How to be helpful

By |2014-02-02T00:57:21-05:00February 2nd, 2014|English|

If you really want to be helpful today Dear One, do things that make you smile, that bring you pleasure, that bring you joy.

When you are happy, you are in a far greater position to help those around you then you are when you choose to sacrifice your own well being for theirs, regardless of how good your intentions may be.

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