On: The power of responsibility

By |2014-07-12T00:42:50-04:00July 12th, 2014|English|

Yes, with power comes great responsibility Dear One.

But you should know that the opposite is also true.

With responsibility comes great power.

The more that you take responsibility for your choices, your thoughts, your words, your actions, your reactions, your life, the more that you accept that you are the one responsible for every experience that you have, the more powerful you will be.

And what we mean by that Dear One is, the more that you are able to accept the fact that life is not simply happening to you, but that you are the one creating it, the greater access you will have to the substantial creative power that exists within you.





On: Something very important

By |2014-07-09T23:25:51-04:00July 9th, 2014|English|

We need you to do something very important for us today Dear One.

Be genuine. Be authentic. Be brave. Be honest.  Be open.  Be curious. Be conscious. Be silly. Be scared. Be uncertain. Be doubtful. Be flawed.

Be human.

Be you.

On: Your choices

By |2014-07-08T23:42:11-04:00July 8th, 2014|English|

Why choose to doubt yourself, punish yourself, criticize yourself, or limit yourself Dear One, when you can choose to love yourself, forgive yourself, have confidence in yourself, or be generous with yourself instead?

Just something to think about.

On: A pity party

By |2014-07-07T23:23:21-04:00July 7th, 2014|English|

You should know that it is perfectly okay for you to choose to indulge in a pity party from time to time Dear One, if that is what you genuinely feel you need to do.

But just remember, that every minute that you choose to invest in feeling sorry yourself, is a minute that you are not investing in doing something more productive, positive, or pleasurable for yourself that just might make you feel better.

Have your party if need to.  Just don’t stay too long, okay?

Tema: Porque así lo decimos nosotros

By |2014-07-06T22:46:57-04:00July 6th, 2014|Español|

Que tus acciónes hoy sean motivadas por el amor, más que por cualquier otra.
Porque así lo decimos nosotros.Y porque al hacerlo te sentirás mucho mejor que al no hacerlo.
El elejír moitivación positiva y consciente evitará que tus acciones sean motivadas por las negativas e inconscientes, tal como el miedo, la desconfianza, la culpa, la tristeza, la venganza, etc.


On: Walking your talk

By |2014-07-06T22:42:09-04:00July 6th, 2014|English|

What matters most to you in this life Dear One?

What did you spend the majority of your time, energy, attention, and awareness focused on achieving, creating, accomplishing, growing, advancing, or mastering yesterday?

What are you planning on spending the majority of your time, energy, attention and awareness on today?

Do you see where we are going with this?

On: A second opinion   

By |2014-07-05T23:59:42-04:00July 5th, 2014|English|

Your opinion of you may change from day to day Dear One, based on how you feel, how you look, what you think, what you’ve done (or didn’t do), how you loved, what words you used, what you ate, how well you performed, etc.

Some day’s you will feel more worthy of love, and some days you will feel less.

But you should know Dear One, that no matter what, our opinion of you will never change.

Through our eyes, you will always be divine.  Through our eyes, you will always be sacred. Through our eyes you will always be worthy.

So, the next time you are in doubt, the next time you are trying to figure out whether or not you are worthy, of love, of respect, of compassion, of forgiveness, and you are in need of a second opinion, please remember take a minute, and ask for ours.

On: Control

By |2014-07-04T00:19:15-04:00July 4th, 2014|English|

You’ll never be able to control what they think of you Dear One, so you can stop wasting your time and energy trying.

But, will always have complete and total control over what you think of you, which is all that will ever really matter anyway.

Feel better?

If not, start exercising some of that control of yours until you do.

On: Love or something else

By |2014-07-02T23:54:01-04:00July 2nd, 2014|English|

Love does not hurt Dear One.

If you are hurting, if you are feeling badly, if you are feeling rejected, alone, abused, afraid, or isolated, then you can be absolutely certain that what you are feeling, that what you are focusing on, is not love.

It is something else.

If love is what you want to be feeling, if love is what you want to be experiencing at this point in time, you are going to have to choose to focus your attention elsewhere.


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