On: Forging ahead

By |2014-09-12T23:41:38-04:00September 12th, 2014|English|

Why do we want you to trust, let go, and take the leap Dear One?

There are two reasons:

  • So that you know what we already know, that you can do it.
  • For the pure pleasure of it.

On: Why take the risk?

By |2014-09-11T23:55:32-04:00September 11th, 2014|English|

It only feels as if you are risking something by stepping out into the unknown Dear One – going somewhere that you have never gone before, trying something that you have never tried before.

But the truth is that there is no safer place that you could possibly be than on the edge of something new, in the process of creation.

Resistance causes risk Dear One.  Fear, hesitation, uncertainty, and doubt, all serve to pinch off the flow of source energy into your life.  Trust, creativity, connection, and creation, all serve to open it up.

So basically, what we are telling you is that holding back, hesitation, doubt, resistance, and fear are far greater sources of risk for you in your life than trying something new ever would be, ever could be.

So why take the risk?

Because standing on the edge of something new, be-ing the process of creation, is the safest place that you could ever possibly be.

On: Manifesting

By |2014-09-10T23:36:43-04:00September 10th, 2014|English|

What you think about, what you speak about, what you focus on, what you give your attention to, is what will come to you Dear One.

This is all that we have to say on the subject.

This is all that you need to know.

There is nothing more helpful, useful, revealing, or insightful, that we can share with you.

It really is just that simple.

On: Feeling secure

By |2014-09-09T23:07:09-04:00September 9th, 2014|English|

Feeling secure, emotional security, is a state of mind Dear One.

One that you can choose to experience anytime that you would like.

You can choose to allow yourself to experience it when you have the relationship that you want, or the job that you want, or the salary that you want, or the house that you want, or the family that you want, or the body that you want.


You can choose to experience it right now, just as you are.

It’s totally and completely up to you.

On: Some great news

By |2014-09-08T23:54:43-04:00September 8th, 2014|English|

From where we are sitting Dear One, we can very clearly see that most of your daily discomfort, pain, frustration, and unhappiness is not being caused by your current situation, circumstances, relationships, or available opportunities.

It is being caused by your thoughts about your current situation, circumstances, relationships, and available opportunities.

And we just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you, that it is well within your power to change your thoughts anytime that you want!

Why not start now?


On: What is the meaning of this?

By |2014-09-08T00:14:45-04:00September 8th, 2014|English|

In one form or another Dear One, this question seems to come up for you a lot.

  • What is the meaning of this?
  • What was the meaning of that?
  • What does it all mean?

And no matter how many different ways you ask the question, the answer is always going to be the same.

The meaning is always going to be whatever you decide that it is.

What it means to you Dear One, can only be determined by you, and nobody else.

So may we suggest that the next time the question arises, that you you ask yourself this instead:

  • What meaning am I going to choose to give to this?

Doing so will ensure that you always have a definite answer to your question and, it will spare you from experiencing a great deal of unnecessary uncertainly waiting for an answer.


On: All things begin equal

By |2014-09-07T00:50:27-04:00September 7th, 2014|English|

Being an optimist requires just as much thought, energy, effort, and self control as being a pessimist does Dear One – only it yields you far more promising, pleasing, and positive results.

In every moment, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are constantly choosing between the two.

So, in this moment, we want you to consciously decide, we want you to consciously choose.

Pick one.

Which are you going to be today?

On: Remember

By |2016-06-19T02:48:04-04:00September 5th, 2014|English|

You are not here to complete a task Dear One.  And you are not here to win.  You are not here to prove a point, to get the boy/girl, to win the race, to nail the bid, to be right, better, or best either.

You are here to have an experience of being alive.  You are here to experience joy, to get to know yourself, to get to know your heart, to discover who you are, and what you capable of, what you enjoy and what you don’t, what makes you cry and what makes you laugh, what inspires you and what frightens you, what moves you to love, and what stands in your way to it.

And you are here to have an experience of getting to know them too.

Remember that Dear One, as you move through each task, each conversation, each interaction throughout your day, your week, your year, your life.


On: Learning through experience

By |2014-09-04T00:15:06-04:00September 4th, 2014|English|

Yes, the best way to learn is through experience Dear One.

But you don’t need to drink the poison to know that it will kill you.

Be adventurous. Be Daring. Take a chance. Try something new. Risk it. Live.

And remember, that you were given intuition, knowledge, and wisdom for a reason.

So don’t forget to use them.

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