On: What you can do about it

By |2014-10-21T23:54:02-04:00October 21st, 2014|English|

Do your choices, thoughts, beliefs, and actions reflect your desires Dear One?

Do they match up?

  • If you want more joy in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel joyful?
  • If you want more freedom in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel free?
  • If you want more love, abundance, peace, or beauty in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel loved, abundant, peaceful and beautiful?

So now do you see Dear One?

If what you want, is not what you’ve got, there IS something you can do about it.

On: What is evolution?

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00October 21st, 2014|English|

This is it Dear One.

This is evolution.

This is what it looks like. This is what it feels like. This is what it sounds, tastes, and smells like. This is the pace that it happens at and this is how long it takes.

You are not only living it, right now. You are creating it, perpetuating it, determining its course. And you are doing so with every thought that you think, with every action that you take, and with every word that you speak.

You can choose to strengthen/evolve your sense of fear Dear One, or you can practice, prioritize, and strengthen your ability to trust.   You can choose to evolve your avoidance skills, and get really, really good at that, or you can choose to evolve your creation skills, and follow that path instead. And you should know that individual and group behaviors, skills, innovations, and yes even biology, will all be impacted as a result.

Do you understand Dear One? Do you see how it is totally and completely up to you?

God, light, prana, spirit, consciousness, whatever you choose to call it, is not determining your path, your progress, the evolution of you soul, of your world, of your physical bodies Dear One, you are.

And the only real question that remains, that is left for humanity to answer on this subject is this; Are you personally going to choose to evolve, to contribute to the evolution of your world consciously or unconsciously?

So, what’s it going to be?

Tema: Tus instinctos

By |2014-10-19T23:14:06-04:00October 19th, 2014|Español|

Tienes instintos buenísimos. ¡Sí… los tienes! ¿No nos crees?
Bueno….elije un instinto, fíate de el, toma acción sobre el y verás. Es la única manera que sabrás por seguro,
la única manera que aprenderás a confiár en ellos completamente. Y cuando lo logres, nunca mas sentirás que no tienes dirección.
Que bueno que sería eso, ¿no?.
Si quieres, puedes comenzar con algo pequeño, pero comienza hoy.

On: Circumstance

By |2014-10-19T23:11:34-04:00October 19th, 2014|English|

Will you be the creator or the victim of your circumstance today Dear One?

You can probably can guess which one we are hoping you will choose.

On: Attracting love

By |2014-10-18T23:47:50-04:00October 18th, 2014|English|

What are your feelings about Love Dear One?

What thoughts, beliefs, attitude, and expectations do you have right now on the subject of Love?

The reason we are asking is because we wanted you to know that whatever they are, they are determining the strength, quality, and speed of your point of attraction for it.

So Dear One, when it comes to the subject of Love, what do you think you are attracting to yourself right now?

And more importantly, do you think you will be happy when it gets here?


On: A brilliant idea

By |2014-10-18T00:22:17-04:00October 18th, 2014|English|

What if today, instead of focusing your energy, your attention, your efforts on trying to avoid that which you do not want Dear One, you focused it on creating, seeking out, acknowledging, and celebrating that which you do want instead?

If you don’t already know the answer, we think that it would be a brilliant idea for you to discover it.





On: Self-pity

By |2014-10-16T23:14:29-04:00October 16th, 2014|English|

There is nothing wrong with feeling self-pity Dear One.  It is a very human state that everyone experiences from time to time.

If something happens, or does not happen, that leaves you feeling badly for yourself or about yourself, don’t add to your discontent by denying your feelings about it.  We encourage you to fully engage in whatever feelings arise as a result, including self-pity, if that is what you are truly feeling.

One small piece of advice:  just don’t choose to dwell there.

Remember that all of the time that you invest in feeling sorry for yourself, is time that you are not investing in doing something productive, positive, or pleasurable for yourself that just might make you feel better.

On: Don’t miss out

By |2014-10-14T23:10:09-04:00October 14th, 2014|English|

Pay attention Dear One.

Look. Watch.  See. Listen. Engage. Connect.

Because amazing things are happening, all around you, right now.

And if you are not seeing them, you can be sure that you are missing out.

On: Overthinking

By |2014-10-13T23:06:45-04:00October 13th, 2014|English|

Don’t think any more than is absolutely necessary today Dear One.

It will only get you into trouble.

Trust yourself more instead.

As a result, you will quickly find yourself experiencing a significantly improved level of clarity, confidence, success, balance, and joy in all that you do.

But don’t take our word for it.

You know the drill.

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