On: What’s worse than being afraid 

By |2014-06-23T23:31:58-04:00June 23rd, 2014|English|

There are few things in this world that are worse for you Dear One, that hold more potential for disaster, then moving forward in fear, then doing something that you truly don’t believe that you are capable of doing, then doing something that you are afraid to do, that you don’t want to do, that you believe is going to harm you.

And accepting your fears as reality, allowing them to define you, to restrict you, to tie you up and chain you down to one place, to one mindset, to one set of limiting beliefs, for the rest of your natural born life, is one of them.

On: Missing them

By |2014-06-22T22:33:47-04:00June 22nd, 2014|English|

Don’t miss them Dear One.

Close your eyes, open your heart and connect with them instead.


*Originally posted April 23, 3013

I specifically chose to re-post this one as a reminder just for me today.

Happy Birthday my Dear Sweet Rebecca.

Loving you today and everyday, with my whole heart wide open, just like you taught me to.

On: Pushing and shoving

By |2014-06-21T00:03:42-04:00June 21st, 2014|English|

When everyone around you seems to be doing a lot of pushing and shoving Dear One, trying to keep up, trying to get ahead, trying to win,  here is what you should do to make sure that they do not get the jump on you:  Step aside.

  • Do not push
  • Do not shove

Let those pushing, push along without you. – – Let those shoving, shove right by.

Believe us when we tell you, that you do not want to go where they are going.

On: Making a difference

By |2014-06-18T23:13:07-04:00June 18th, 2014|English|

Do you want to make a difference today Dear One?  Do you want to do something significant, something that really matters?

Take really, really, really, good care of yourself




On: Protecting your heart 

By |2014-06-18T00:52:46-04:00June 18th, 2014|English|

The best way to take care of your heart Dear One, to strengthen it, and protect it, is to open it, trust it, and use it, as often as you possibly can.

Closing it off, shutting it down, or trying to shelter it from unwanted feelings will only serve to weaken it in the end, cutting you off from your source, leaving you far more vulnerable to hurt, deception, and negativity, than you would be otherwise.

So the next time you are in a situation where you feel like your heart needs protecting, remember, there is only one thing that you need to do; open it wider.


On: Creating good health

By |2014-06-16T23:58:14-04:00June 16th, 2014|English|

You try , you think about, you make every effort to watch what you eat Dear One, to exercise, to get enough sleep.

You do all of these things for the benefit of your health, for the benefit of your body.

And yet you still allow yourself to think, to indulge, to swim in negative, damaging, and unkind thoughts, about yourself, about others, about the world around you, all the time.

Your thoughts have just as much of an impact on your physical body as your diet, activity level, and sleep habits do.

Even more so actually.

Just a little reminder Dear One, not to leave them out of the equation, when trying to create good health for yourself.

Tema: Luchar

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00June 15th, 2014|Español|

Estas tan acostumbrado a luchar que crees que es parte inevitable y natural de tu vida. Pero te queremos hacer acordar que la vida no tiene que ser una lucha. Haste responsable por lo que elijes… todo lo que elijes, lo bueno y lo malo, larga lo que no te sirve, acepta lo que és y termina con tu lucha. Pero recuerda que la responsabilidad y el culpar son dos cosas diferentes. No te culpes a tí ni a los demás por lo que es. La lucha persiste si resistís lo que es.  El culpar resiste, daña, acusa y separa. La responsabilidad acepta, perdona, permite e incluye. Cuando te haces responsable por tí mismo, por tu medio ambiente, por tus circumstancias, por tus opciones y no te culpas ni a tí mismo ni a los demás y te haces responsable por donde estás, experienciarás  mucha menos lucha en tu vida. Por lo tanto habra menos lucha en el mundo.
¿Vale la pena? ¿Que te parece?


On: Being a disappointment

By |2014-06-15T23:38:49-04:00June 15th, 2014|English|

You are not a disappointment Dear One.  We are not disappointed in you.  We never have been, and we never will be. Ever.


Because we have no expectations of you.  We have only love, acceptance, compassion, support, guidance, and applause for you.

We require nothing of you, nothing from you.  And we never will.  You simply can’t let us down.

We don’t have a list of rules that we need you to follow, or a set of demands that we need you to meet, before we will give you our love.

It is already yours.  All of it.  We couldn’t love you more than we do right now, even if we tried.

So if that was one of your worries Dear One, if that was one of your fears, that you were not, that you are not, living up to our expectations, up to spirits expectations, of what you are meant to do, be, have, or accomplish in this life, you can at long last, let that one go, once and for all.


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