On: No cursing

By |2015-08-29T00:39:01-04:00August 29th, 2015|English|

Celebrate, embrace, and take advantage of the contrasts in your life Dear One, don’t curse them. They are a gift.

Without them you would have absolutely no way of knowing just how far you’ve come or in which direction you were headed.

On: Why work?

By |2015-08-27T23:49:18-04:00August 27th, 2015|English|

The idea is not to work yourself to the point of exhaustion Dear One.

The idea is to work yourself to the point of exhilaration.

If you work and work and work and at the end of the day, feel worse than you did than at the beginning, you may want to spend a little time reevaluating what it is that you are really working for, what it is you are really working to create for yourself.

On: Forever

By |2015-08-25T23:34:33-04:00August 25th, 2015|English|

Everything that you are wanting Dear One, is available to you in the present moment – joy, health, love, laughter, change, abundance, freedom – all of it.

Choose it in the moment and it will be yours, right now.

Continue to choose it over and over again, and it will be yours forever.


On: A sacred union

By |2015-08-25T00:28:56-04:00August 25th, 2015|English|

Love is a choice Dear One.

The experience of it, the giving and receiving of it, does not just happen. You have to choose it, you have to choose to open yourself up to it, to allow it.

When two people make the decision to choose to experience it together, to give and receive it openly, freely, and confidently, to open themselves up to an experience of the divine and let love flow to them and through them, that is a sacred act, that is an example of a sacred union; a merging of you, them and the energy of all that is.

A holy man, a place of worship, a ritual, a doctrine, a document or a vow is not the force that makes the union sacred Dear One, you are.


Tema: Reconociendo la belleza verdadera

By |2015-08-23T23:05:44-04:00August 23rd, 2015|Español|

La belleza no es algo que vez con tus ojos Querido, sino algo que sientes en tu corazón.

¿Entonces como sabe uno lo que esta mirando, si lo que estas viendo es verdaderamente bello o simplemente una ilusión, un juicio o tu imaginación?

Cierra tus ojos.

Si desaparece, entonces lo sabrás.

On: Consent

By |2015-08-23T22:57:44-04:00August 23rd, 2015|English|

Nothing happens in your life without your consent, without your permission, without you either consciously or unconsciously agreeing to it, allowing it, inviting it in. Nothing.

You want to have a different experience Dear One?

Stop consenting to this one.

On: No more waiting

By |2015-08-23T01:01:49-04:00August 23rd, 2015|English|

We can see that you are patiently waiting Dear One; for someone to tell you what to do, or not to do, for lightening to strike, for the dam to break, for an answer to appear, for a hand to reach out and grab yours, for inspiration, for a brilliant idea, for something, anything to give you a clue, show you a sign, motivate you to action, push you in the right direction.

And the more that you do that, the longer that you wait, the more reasons, opportunities, and circumstances you are going to attract into your life that will allow you to continue to wait.

So unless what you are looking for is more of the same, more of what you’ve already got, waiting is most definitely not the answer for you.

You should know that waiting will never get you what you want, who you want, or where you want to go.

If you really want these things Dear One, the waiting needs to end, right now.

Now is not the time for you to be waiting, for anything or anyone anyway.

Now is the time for you to be creating.

Create Dear One, don’t wait, and you will begin to attract more creative energy into your life, more creative answers and solutions.

Create Dear One, at the wait will at long last, finally be over.




On: The truth

By |2023-06-06T22:04:10-04:00August 21st, 2015|English|

Why pray for, hope for, speak of, seek out change Dear One, if at every possible opportunity to embrace it you choose that which is known to you, that which is comfortable, that which is familiar, that which feels safe, over that which is new, different, unknown, uncertain or unpredictable instead?

Praying for, hoping for, talking about change is a  good start, but it’s not enough.

If you really want it, you’re going to have it prove it, to both the universe and to yourself.

And that only way you can do that , is to choose it.

So why not start by choosing to believe that everything is going to be okay, and act accordingly.

Because the truth is Dear One, that it really will be.

On: Removing limits

By |2015-08-20T00:16:27-04:00August 20th, 2015|English|

How do you move beyond your limits Dear One?

Recognizing that limiting thoughts, beliefs, words and actions are just that, limiting, is a really great place to start.




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