On: Do you know what’s coming?

By |2015-08-08T00:41:04-04:00August 8th, 2015|English|

Do you know what’s coming Dear One? Do you know what is headed your way right now?

  • More of what you have been talking about.
  • More of what you have been thinking about.
  • More of what you have been giving your attention to.
  • More proof that what you believe is true.

Now that you know, are you looking forward to its arrival? Do you think you will be happy when it gets here?

If your answer is yes, fantastic!

If your answer is no, you should know that there is still time to do something about it.


On: Being grateful for what’s missing

By |2015-08-06T00:41:28-04:00August 6th, 2015|English|

It’s easy to be grateful for all that you’ve got Dear One.

It’s wise to be grateful for that which is missing, for that which you want but don’t yet have


Because gratitude is so much more than you think it is. It is so much more than just a feeling, an attitude, or a mindset of appreciation.

It is also a powerful act of creation.

When you are grateful, when you are feeling gratitude, you are actively engaging in the process of creating more of whatever it is you are grateful for, of inviting more of it into your life.

That’s why.

On: It’s not love

By |2015-08-04T00:36:02-04:00August 4th, 2015|English|

It’s not love that is causing your pain Dear One.

Love doesn’t hurt.

Love feels wonderful.

Love is wonderful.

Love is not the problem.

It is your worry that it won’t be returned, your fear of losing it, your unmet expectations of it, your perceived shortage of it, your lack of trust in it that is.

So rest assured Dear One, regardless of what you may think or what you have been told, love is most definitely not cause or the root of your pain, so please feel free to open your mind to it, open your heart to it and indulge in it as often and deeply as you possibly can.

On: Don’t sweat it

By |2015-08-02T00:25:42-04:00August 2nd, 2015|English|

There are no wrong answers Dear One.

Only opportunities, experiences and choices.

And you will never run out of any of them.

We promise you that.

You can choose, and then choose, and then choose again.

So don’t sweat it.



On: A human being

By |2015-07-31T00:33:33-04:00July 31st, 2015|English|

You have come forth into this life Dear One, to be a human being, not a human trying, a human struggling or a human judging.So stop trying, struggling and judging so hard, and allow yourself to just be.

  • Be yourself. Be authentic. Be honest.
  • Be loving.  Be caring. Be compassionate.
  • Be inspiring.  Be creative. Be brave.
  • Be sad.  Be angry.  Be confused.
  • Be imperfect. Be flawed. Be uncertain.
  • Be whatever it is that is in your heart to be.
  • Be whatever it is that makes you happy, content and peaceful.
  • Be right where you are.

Be what you have come forth to be Dear One.



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