On: Not doing the right thing

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00June 17th, 2015|English|

Do yourself a favor Dear One, and stop trying to do the right thing all time.

Trust us.  The right thing is not what you want to be doing anyway.

Figuring out what is “right” requires you to be judgmental.  It requires you to look at a person, an event, a situation, and judge it as right or wrong, instead of just accepting it for what it is.

Judgment only serves to disconnect, to cut you off, to separate you from your greatest source of strength, inspiration, and joy — your connection to all that is.

So today, instead of trying to do the right thing Dear One, why not do better than that for yourself, and do the loving thing, the compassionate thing, the honorable thing, the generous thing, the kind thing, or the joyful thing instead?

Tema: El ser amable

By |2015-06-16T07:14:07-04:00June 16th, 2015|Español|

Hoy acuerdate de ser amable. Querido.

Porque el no ser amable no te ayudará en lo mínimo.

Y es así en como tratas a los demás y como te tratas a tí mismo.

On: Early risers

By |2015-06-16T00:25:14-04:00June 16th, 2015|English|


Like the sunrise brings brilliant, magnificent, awe-inspiring beauty into the lives of all those who are willing to wake up and open their eyes early enough in the morning to see it, so to does this day hold a great many wonderful, and beautiful surprises for you Dear One, if you are willing to wake up, open your eyes up and see them.

On: How to build your strength

By |2015-06-14T00:58:27-04:00June 14th, 2015|English|

If you want to build strength in your physical body Dear One, you use it.

If you want to build strength in your emotional body, the same rule applies.

  • If you want to feel stronger in love, love more.
  • If you want to be more creative, create more.
  • If you want to be more trusting, trust more.

Use whatever it is you want to strengthen, Dear One, more.

It’s just that simple.

Not easy, but simple.

On: Need help deciding?

By |2015-06-13T00:38:21-04:00June 13th, 2015|English|

Having trouble deciding what to do next?

Having trouble deciding what the right thing to do is?

Did you know that any decision that you make from a good feeling place, with joy, confidence, and heart, will always bring you closer to that which you are wanting than any made from a place of tension, stress, confusion, turmoil, or emotional distress?

It’s true!

So, how do we think you should decide Dear One?

Joyfully, that’s how.


On: Ways to learn

By |2015-06-12T01:02:40-04:00June 12th, 2015|English|


There are an infinite number of ways for you learn Dear One.

  • You can learn from standing the sidelines or you can learn by jumping in.
  • You can learn by playing it safe or by taking a risk.
  • You can learn through solitude or through connection.

Which to choose depends entirely on what kind of learning experience you are hoping to have.

And that is something that no one but you can decide for yourself.

So if you were hoping that we were going to help you out this time, that we were going to give you the answer, we are sorry to say that we can not, we will not tell you what to do.

But we will you a hint Dear One.

And here it is.


On: An alternative to worrying

By |2015-06-11T00:59:22-04:00June 11th, 2015|English|

What if instead of worrying Dear One, imagining all that you could lose, all that could go wrong, how far you could fall, and just how bad it could get if things don’t work out, you imagined all that you could gain, and all that could go right, how much fun your could have, and just how far you could go if everything worked out perfectly?



On: The domino effect

By |2015-06-10T00:00:44-04:00June 10th, 2015|English|

Decide right now Dear One, before you do anything else, how you are going to approach this day.

Are you going to do it with confidence or with fear?  With trust or with doubt? With excitement or with dread?  With self-pity or with strength? With an open heart or a closed one? With a belief in limitations or in endless possibilities?

Think carefully before you answer, because whatever you decide right now, is going to determine the outcome of every single experience that follows.

On: Why forgive?

By |2015-06-09T00:30:28-04:00June 9th, 2015|English|

Forgive them for their mistakes Dear One, their shortcomings, their faults, their ignorance, and their impatience.

Forgive their actions when they react out of fear, their words when they respond from pain, their behaviors when they get defensive, and their callousness when they are cruel.

They are not perfect. They are deeply flawed. They are hurting, healing, learning, and coping the best way that they know how. Believe it or not, they are actually doing the very best that they believe that they are capable of.

They are imperfect Dear One – just like you.

Forgive them without expectation, without condition, without question and without hesitation.


Because doing so is one of the most powerful gifts of self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness you can give to yourself.


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